1.02 OPEN BETA (20160112)
Here is a list of the current revisions:
1.02 OPEN BETA (20160112)
The 1.02 Update Open Beta Patch has been revised today and includes (as of 20160112):
OBA and airstrikes bug fixes.
New feature: Options > Cursor > Small/Standard/Large, also Options > Cursor > Enhanced.
New feature: Options > Details > Persistent.
Air Model revisions.
Scenario edits due to above.
Scenario nomenclature edit based on user note.
Revised manual.
Revised terrain graphics from Crossroads.
More UI elements adapted to the new Box Art motif.
Other minor UI tweaks.
Revised platoon file based on a comment from Warhorse.
A new augmented logging system, for facilitating remote debugging.
Revised UK graphics from Warhorse/papalazaru5.
New scenario from vonkrieg.
New scenario from Jason Petho (Historical, No Match for the 100, Bir Gifgafa 2 1967 - night battle. nasty).
Revised the 13 scenarios that have helicopter gunships
Revised Iraqi graphics from Warhorse and papalazaru5
New scenario from Jason Petho (not historical, tourny set C01 - Hack and Slash - Division sized)
Revised Egyptian platoon file, noted some 2D graphical errors
Revised Egyptian battalion file, noted some data errors
Revised UI graphics from Crossroads
Revised ProWest platoon file fixing mine issue
The final, official 1.02 UPDATE will also eventually include:
Additional Scenarios (probably a few).
More revised terrain graphics from Crossroads.
More revised unit graphics from Warhorse/papalazaru5.
Any bugs fixed noted by users.
(And maybe also?)
Please remember this is an OPEN BETA, these files are not final and are subject to change.
Please download the new OPEN BETA from the first post of the thread in the link above.
Thank you
Jason Petho