Corregidor: the Rock Errata


Elder Member
Jan 28, 2003
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Pewaukee, WI
llUnited States
label this as consistency.
On the JRGC the RGs with 2 types of units received list the Full/Depleted as "x/y - w/z" and on the ARGC the I4 RG uses "x-y / w-z".

I am assuming that the American I4 listed as "2-2 / 2-1", if full comes with 2 HMG and 2 .50cal if full, and 2 HMG and 1 .50cal if depleted.
For Japanese RG I3, is it listed as "6/4 - 5/3" , does it get (6) 3-4-7and (5) 3-3-6 when full and (4) 3-4-7 and (3) 3-3-6 if depleted?


Forum Guru
Nov 7, 2007
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Eau Claire, Wi
llUnited States
For Japanese RG I3, is it listed as "6/4 - 5/3" , does it get (6) 3-4-7and (5) 3-3-6 when full and (4) 3-4-7 and (3) 3-3-6 if depleted?
Boy, I sure wouldn't read it that way. the 6/4 seems to be 6x 3-4-7 & 4x 3-3-6 (10 Sqds total) or 5/3 depleted = 5x 3-4-7 and 3x 3-3-6 (8 Sqds total). 11 Squads total dropping to 7 squads total if depleted seems a little rough.


Elder Member
Jan 28, 2003
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Pewaukee, WI
llUnited States
"12.5184 FULL/DEPLETED: Within the Group column a number may be listed to the left and the right of a slash(/). The number to the left represents the number of that type of unit received at Full Strength and the number to the right the number of that unit received at Depleted Strength."

The slash is supposed to indicate full/depleted. For the US player it is clear (and either way works out the same), for the Japanese I3 it is not clear, however, following the quoted rule above, it would be as I had stated (I.e., the dash would be separating the numbers for the two types of units). I am not sure if that is what was intended, as pointed out, that is a significant drop in units.

Note that for HW RGs there is a clarifying rule:
"12.5193 HW SECTIONS: The number of weapons received (Full and Depleted) are listed on the RG Chart. Full Strength is listed before the slash (/) and Depleted is listed after the slash mark. The number listed on either side of the hyphen refers to the number of each SW of that type that is received."


Elder Member
Jan 28, 2003
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Pewaukee, WI
llUnited States
On the Fortification Purchasing Table it lists 3 different pillboxes. (1-3-5, 1-5-7, and 2-5-7). All 3 have an FPP cost listed as "CA DRM + NCA DRM = FPP cost".

This would make the 1-5-7 and 2-5-7 the same cost (i.e., 5 + 7 = 12). Is this correct? Is it missing the squad capacity in its calculation?


Elder Member
Jan 28, 2003
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Pewaukee, WI
llUnited States
American RG G3. Listed as M2A1 81mm Mortars. I assume these are really M1 81mm Mortars (Ordnance Note 3).


Forum Guru
Nov 7, 2007
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Eau Claire, Wi
llUnited States
"12.5184 FULL/DEPLETED: Within the Group column a number may be listed to the left and the right of a slash(/). The number to the left represents the number of that type of unit received at Full Strength and the number to the right the number of that unit received at Depleted Strength."

The slash is supposed to indicate full/depleted. For the US player it is clear (and either way works out the same), for the Japanese I3 it is not clear, however, following the quoted rule above, it would be as I had stated (I.e., the dash would be separating the numbers for the two types of units). I am not sure if that is what was intended, as pointed out, that is a significant drop in units.

Note that for HW RGs there is a clarifying rule:
"12.5193 HW SECTIONS: The number of weapons received (Full and Depleted) are listed on the RG Chart. Full Strength is listed before the slash (/) and Depleted is listed after the slash mark. The number listed on either side of the hyphen refers to the number of each SW of that type that is received."
Good catch, perhaps using an "&" between 6 and 4 as well as 5 and 3 would work a bit better but as you state as it stands it seems as if the Japanese receive 11 or 7 squads total.


Elder Member
Jan 28, 2003
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Pewaukee, WI
llUnited States
I think the way the American HW section is listed is the best method. Using that method, the Japanese I3 RG would be listed as "6-5 / 4-3" assuming it currently follows the "/" as stated in the rules. If the "/" and "-" are backwards, it would really be "6-4 / 5-3"
Last edited:


Elder Member
Jan 6, 2008
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llUnited States
Boy, I sure wouldn't read it that way. the 6/4 seems to be 6x 3-4-7 & 4x 3-3-6 (10 Sqds total) or 5/3 depleted = 5x 3-4-7 and 3x 3-3-6 (8 Sqds total). 11 Squads total dropping to 7 squads total if depleted seems a little rough.
apbills is correct. It is a harsh penalty but done to cause Japanese player to really think about if he wants to spend precious CPP on this RG. Even so, you normally get a full RG 65% of the time so the odds are probably in your favor. You will get only depleted RG's when you order I1 and I2 RG's...or so it seemed when I played the Japanese. :)


Elder Member
Feb 11, 2005
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Austin, TX
llUnited States
label this as consistency.
On the JRGC the RGs with 2 types of units received list the Full/Depleted as "x/y - w/z" and on the ARGC the I4 RG uses "x-y / w-z".

I am assuming that the American I4 listed as "2-2 / 2-1", if full comes with 2 HMG and 2 .50cal if full, and 2 HMG and 1 .50cal if depleted?
Yes, you're correct. Sorry for the mixup on nomenclature. That's my fault.


See Dummies in the index
Feb 9, 2005
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Aberdeen , Scotland
llUnited Kingdom
The index for the CG goes a bit wobbly towards the end.
As far as I can tell,
15.521 Purchasing Reconnaissance shopuld be 15.5225
12.522 Initiative/Attacks should be 12.521
12.523 Wind and Unit Set Up shpuld be 12.522
12.524 Scenario Commencement should be 12.523


Elder Member
Feb 11, 2005
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Austin, TX
llUnited States
Yeah, looks like I got off by one when reading Sarge's notes. I'll get it added to errata. I'm pretty close to doing a comprehensive release of errata incorporating all of the mentions above.


Elder Member
Feb 11, 2005
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Austin, TX
llUnited States
We have created and posted in the Support page of the website all of the known errata and sticky notes for Corregidor. We've also added an Example of Play related to the Heavy Bombing rules that will hopefully clarify any questions around the use of that capability. This errata is effective as of Feb 1, 2019.

Corregidor: the Rock Errata (as of Feb 1, 2019)
The listing below is known errata for Corregidor: the Rock.
C:tR CG Rules Errata

Section 1.3, replace, “located in the topmost level of a Roofless Building may not claim the additional +1 DRM since there is no "intact roof" above the topmost level. They do receive the +3 TEM for being in a Stone Building.” with, “located in a Roofless Building is resolved normally, as per B23.32.”

Last sentence of the 6.51 example has a rules reference of "(1.54)". This should be "(6.54)".

Section 8.9, last sentence, add “[EXC: CC]” after the word “attack”.

Section 8.10, first example. The last sentence should be changed from "now I their Final ..." to "now in their Final ..."

Section 8.10, second example. The 5th sentence should be changed from "Place large chute B (and the small chute) in MM24,..." to "Place large chute B (and the small chute) in MM22,...”

Section 10.1, para. 2, 1st line, add “/bombing” between “strafing run”.

Section 10.1, para. 2, 2nd line, remove the word “Light”.

Section 10.1, para 2, 8th line, replace the word “reaching” with “attacking”, and add the word “initial” between “ “final” bomb”

Section 10.1, para 2, last sentence, should state, “Otherwise, the strafing/bombing run will continue until all bombing attacks have been completed and the bombing run concluded [EXC: Eliminated (E7.511-.52) aircraft are immediately removed from play, and any remaining attacks are NA]. The aircraft may then be Recalled (E7.226).”

Section 10, Examples of Play, example 1, lines 2 and 8, and example 2, line 3, remove the word “strafing”.

Section 11, "Initial Scenario" is should be a separate paragraph, instead of being combined with the "Idle Date" definition.

Section 11, "Setup Area", second to last sentence. Replace "hexes in Enterable by Infantry" with "hexes are Enterable by Infantry".

Section 12.5, table: RePh Sequence number "12412" should be "12.512".

Section 12.5136, 7th line, replace “even and Abandoning” with “even an Abandoning”.

The sequence table for the CG (pg. 13) is off near the end of the list. The rules references should be:
15.521 Purchasing Reconnaissance should be deleted
12.522 Initiative/Attacks should be !*12.521
12.523 Wind and Unit Set Up shpuld be !12.522
12.524 Scenario Commencement should be !12.523

Japanese Reinforcement Group Chart (pg.19), modify I3 and I5 Full/Depleted nomenclature to align with rule 12.5184. I3 should be “6-5/4-3”. I5 should be “3-2/2-1”.

Japanese Reinforcement Group Chart (pg. 19), RG G6 modify Note to read “a,d”

American Reinforcement Group Chart (pg.20): RG G3, change units received to “M1 81mm Mortars”.

American Reinforcement Group Chart (pg.20): Add note “j” to the Notes for RG “O5”.

Fortification Purchasing Table (pg. 23), adjust FPP cost for 1-3-5, 1-5-7 and 2-5-7 Pillboxes to state “SE + (CA+ NCA) DRM = FPP cost”.

Designer Note #18 (pg. 27): Delete the second to the last sentence which begins with, “That is the reason...”.

C:tR Q&A
Q: Can the Filipino partisans in CTR3 also go HTH as the Americans can?
A: By themselves, no. If stacked with an American SMC or an American MMC, then yes.

Q: Is Building DD22 considered a partially rubbled building with a level 1 location in Dd22?
A: Yes.

Q: In 10.1, if an aircraft is damaged after rolling its Bomb Release dr, does it complete its bomb run and is then flipped to its bomb released side?
A: Assuming the aircraft is not affected by any AA fire beforehand, when the American player makes a "Bomb Release dr", he is determining the initial hex where bombs will begin to fall (this represents the bombardier lining up the aircraft and getting it into position). If at any time prior to any actual bomb attack being made in the first initial bombing hex to be attacked, the American player is free to cancel his Bombing Run. Also, any Evade result from AA fire during this period will also cause the cancellation of the Bomb Run. This represents the aircraft taking evasive action to avoid ground fire and circle around for another try in another Player turn. The aircraft is not subject to any further AA fire for the
remainder of that Player turn and the GA aircraft will retain its bomb load. Once any bomb attack has been made in his Bombing Run, the American player must continue and complete the Bombing Run as declared. If the aircraft is eliminated during the Bombing Run, any still remaining bomb attacks in that Bombing Run are cancelled and the aircraft is removed from play. If the aircraft is damaged or forced to evade during the Bombing Run (i.e., once bomb attacks have begun), it must complete that Bombing Run, but is then Recalled and removed from play for the duration of the scenario/CG Day, if Damaged.

Q: Looking at the * note for the AFV Repair Table (12.5131c), if the AFV remains in the MHA, does the first sentence "may" override the second sentence, i.e., if there is no same type vehicle but the AFV remains in the MHA, is the armor leader eliminated?
A: If the vehicle remains in the MHA, then one of the two below cases is applied:
If you do NOT possess another Retained AFV of the same type (even if you have other types of AFVs present) the AL is Eliminated. If you DO possess another AFV of the same type, you may transfer him to that AFV for use in the upcoming CG Date.


Elder Member
Jan 28, 2003
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Pewaukee, WI
llUnited States
I think this errata needs to be changed:
Section 11, "Setup Area", second to last sentence. Replace "hexes in Enterable by Infantry" with "hexes are Enterable by Infantry".

The sentence should use "is" not "are" as "one of the hexes" is singular, not plural.

"Friendly Setup Areas that touch/overlap are treated as a single Setup Area, provided that ≥ one of the touching/overlapping hexes is Enterable by Infantry from the other Setup Area."


Elder Member
Jan 28, 2003
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Pewaukee, WI
llUnited States
Looking at the updated Heavy Bombing examples (which are MUCH better). In Example 1 it shows the strafing run continuing past the bomb run.

CtR9.1 states in part "… GA Aircraft conduct attacks exactly as Fighter Bombers [EXC: Dogfight Resolution (E7.221)]."
E7.42 states in part "... Once a bomb To Hit DR is made, that aircraft may not continue to Strafe during that phase; i.e., the bombed hex becomes its final target hex."

CtR10.2 states in part "...Otherwise, the strafing/bombing run will continue until all bombing attacks have been completed and the bombing run concluded …"

Is the CtR10.2 quote above the wording that changes the E7.42 restriction on the strafing part of the run continuing past the last bombed hex (as well as the first To Hit DR)? I.e., are the Heavy Bomb Load rules supposed to disconnect the Strafing and Bombing parts of the attack and allow both do their thing in parallel to the completion of both?


Elder Member
Feb 11, 2005
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Austin, TX
llUnited States
Looking at the updated Heavy Bombing examples (which are MUCH better). In Example 1 it shows the strafing run continuing past the bomb run.

CtR9.1 states in part "… GA Aircraft conduct attacks exactly as Fighter Bombers [EXC: Dogfight Resolution (E7.221)]."
E7.42 states in part "... Once a bomb To Hit DR is made, that aircraft may not continue to Strafe during that phase; i.e., the bombed hex becomes its final target hex."

CtR10.2 states in part "...Otherwise, the strafing/bombing run will continue until all bombing attacks have been completed and the bombing run concluded …"

Is the CtR10.2 quote above the wording that changes the E7.42 restriction on the strafing part of the run continuing past the last bombed hex (as well as the first To Hit DR)? I.e., are the Heavy Bomb Load rules supposed to disconnect the Strafing and Bombing parts of the attack and allow both do their thing in parallel to the completion of both?
The bombing and strafing are independent from each other on this platform in this type of attack. That's why we wanted to put out the example of play, to try and clarify that distinction.


Elder Member
Jan 28, 2003
Reaction score
Pewaukee, WI
llUnited States
The bombing and strafing are independent from each other on this platform in this type of attack. That's why we wanted to put out the example of play, to try and clarify that distinction.
Excellent, and I like the idea. ?


Elder Member
Feb 4, 2003
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llUnited States
During Refit Phase...

12.516 ELR Loss/Gain uses the term Final DR which makes it seem like there should be some DRMs listed in a chart somewhere.

I don't see am I missing something here?


Elder Member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, TX
llUnited States
During Refit Phase...

12.516 ELR Loss/Gain uses the term Final DR which makes it seem like there should be some DRMs listed in a chart somewhere.

I don't see am I missing something here?
No, you're not missing anything, but that is a good catch. That's not an appropriate use of the term here and "Final" really should not have been used for this section.


Elder Member
Feb 11, 2005
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Austin, TX
llUnited States
Some errata for Section 2.1 of the HASL rules.

Section 2.1, last sentence, add, “[EXC: the entrenchment TEM of B20.91 for Direct Fire is +3, not +2].”
Section 2.1 Example, line 3, replace "I7" with "S11".
Section 2.1 Example, line 7, replace "TH" with "IFT".

Errata and sticky errata have been updated on the BFP Support page with an effective date of May 7, 2019.