Event Engineer
Classic Toaw Scenarios with recon problems are fixed and available in the download section.
The scenarios are
Attu Island 43….. Bulge 44….. Bulge 2000….. Burma 42-43….. Desert Storm 91….. Dragoon 44….. Fulda 76….. Germany 84…..
Kiska Island 43….. Korea 50-51….. Korea 99….. Libya-Egypt 2000….. Middle East 67….. Middle East 73….. Nato-Warsaw Pact 62….. Nato-Warsaw Pact 78…..
Normandy 44….. Normandy/Rommel 44…. Olympic 45….. Overlord 44….. Seoul 2000….. St Lo 44….. Tannenberg 14….. Tet Offensive 68
I did most of these years ago for local use. They have been redone with T3 v340202. The ONLY events changed were recon events. Some events were added or deleted to insure the plus/minus sequence matched the values in the original. I did not assign recon values to scenarios where none existed. I have not posted my name in the briefing or on the maps. The only identification to separate them from the originals is a name change.
Original name…..{R}.sce
I do not have the permission of the original designers, and when notified, will remove the scenario they object to.