Herman Hum
Composite Warfare Command
Harpoon Scenario List
Re-posted at the request of Alan CasoHey fellow Harpooners,
I have a new custom Db [CasoDB] ready to put out there for the purposes of playing a campaign I'm designing that will contain several new scenarios. Subject matter is a contemporary world (2007-2009); events leading to it from the early nineties have taken a different turn than that as we know it. The world is at war with lines drawn across a variety of fronts from the South Pacific, North Pacific, Asia, Indian Ocean, Mid East and South America. If you're interested in a plausible "what if" challenge, check into The IndoChine Regime, I'll try to get the scenarios out there soon and keep them coming, but would appreciate any play testing and feedback.
The Caso Database was developed as a variant of the PlayersDB with the primary difference being the expanded ability of all vessels equipped with landing pads to be able to re-load and re-arm air units depending upon their particular capability. Additional aviation magazines have also been created to give the applicable surface platforms more choices in aircraft loadout.http://www.harplonkhq.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1228#p1228
Additionally, this database has been developed to support, but not be limited to, a series of scenarios being designed by its author. All other scenario submissions using this database are welcome provided they are designed within the guidelines of the Harpoon 3 community. It is fully indexed by country and date for ease of use and reference and it currently covers over 90 countries. The scenarios and database are platform-independent and will work with both PC and Macintosh versions of Harpoon 3
The database and scenarios are bundled together and distributed with the PlayersDB installer for ease of use and popularity. Harpoon ANW users can get the CasoDB within the Complete PlayersDB Harpoon ANW Library
The IndoChine RegimeThis campaign is not for the purist. This is an eclectic composite of past and future platforms, that is made possible due to a "what if" historical scenario.
The early to mid-nineties sees China discover enormous oil deposits deep below the Southern Gobi Desert. These reserves are nearly as massive as the Saudi fields, extending in branches as far north as Russian Siberia. Normally these deposits would be irretrievable because of their depth and geological composition, but a breakthrough by Chinese geologists unlocks the secret of this difficult extraction.
After the Soviet Union breakup, the Russian government struggles to find definition and structure. The discovery of the section of Chinese oil deposits, which branch into Siberia, gives a boost to the new fledgling Russian democracy. However, these deposits remain locked to the Russians deep beneath the surface because they don't possess the necessary technology. China steps in and helps them retrieve the oil in exchange for the right to purchase much of the huge Russian fleet rusting in mothballs. In addition, they purchase the naval plans to all but a few of their surface platforms. The Russians are content to sit back and get rich selling their military hardware and newly found oil. However, they draw the line with their nuclear, air and sub-surface military hardware. These are not for sale. Giving up any last vestiges of being a projecting naval power, the Russians remain satisfied building up their defensive posture and staying out of the picture.
On the other hand, the Chinese become a major naval power virtually overnight. Within a few short years, they create several carrier groups, cruiser squadrons, and develop an amphibious capability second only to the US, while amassing large quantities of DDG's and FFG's. Their amazing ability to take ship plans and mothballed hulks from the former Soviet shipyards and copy and re-create them with modernized weaponry is miraculous - very Asian. In many of their shipyards, platforms are turned out in 120 to 150 days. Keeping in step are Chinese naval academies and training facilities, building an entire generation of naval and air personnel, with a new cadre of young officers. Naval maneuvers and war games are stepped up to build experience and confidence. The Western Pacific becomes the personal playground for the Indochine navies and air forces.
Due to these extraordinary developments, the United States, United Kingdom, and other NATO powers aggressively re-commission mothballed ships and step up development of platforms that are barely off the drawing board. The United States brings back recently decommissioned CV's, the Iowas, the Virginias, and other CGN's.
They reach back for mothballed Adams and Brooke units, and even re-commission the Iwo LPH's. All other scheduled decommissions are cancelled, and refits are conducted throughout the mothballed navy. The intent is to re-institute a 700-ship navy as quickly as possible. A Republican hawk is elected in 1996, and the military arms race is ratcheted up. Development of the F/A-35 program goes forward full throttle, as well as many new weapon systems such as the AIM-120C9. The UK steps up the development of the Queen Elizabeth CV and Daring DDG programs while re-commissioning their older DDG's and FFG's such as the County's and Broadswords. Even Australia gets on the program by dusting off the CV Melbourne, while moving forward with it's River DDG program. For the first time in 20 plus years, the draft is brought back.
About the time that China finds oil, India strikes uranium - huge deposits that turn the country into a major player on the strategic game board. In addition, as if there was some divine entity driving the world into further chaos, diamond deposits are discovered by accident when a national company is strip-mining for iron ore - large and vast, they rival South African reserves. The Indian Government regales in its new-found wealth. Military hawks gain control in the '94 elections and the arms build-up is underway fueled by disputes with Pakistan.
The late 90's see India and China realizing it is in their common interest to join together and determine the future of Asia. They form the IndoChine Regime.
North Korea quickly steps on board, in all probability due to China dangling South Korea in front of their nose like a carrot. China shares its Russian naval windfall with India and North Korea. The Indian shipyards take these plans and produce well-built versions of their own - cheaply and quickly. By the middle of the first decade in the new millenium, the IndoChine Regime has a combined navy over 800 ships!
Just about the time that the US reaches its 700 ship navy and other NATO members reach their quotas, the US is attacked in September 2001. America and her Allies invade Afghanistan and then Iraq. It is at this moment that IndoChine makes it's move.
In a well coordinated campaign, India strikes into Southeast Asia, taking control of Malaysia. While forming a shaky alliance with Myanmar, India threatens Thailand. Caught in the middle, Thailand agrees to join the IndoChine Regime and participates in the overthrow of the Cambodian and Laotian governments. Indonesia avidly joins the alliance, in the hopes of receiving new military hardware. The Chinese and Indians welcome them eagerly, and provide them with limited naval and air materiel. Knowing their cooperation is invaluable in securing the oil fields there, the IndoChinese also see Indonesia providing a buffer zone to Australia. However, the Chinese leave the administration of the Indonesian theater to their Indian and Thai allies.
Everyone decides to leave Vietnam alone. No one wishes to deal with them due to their pertinacious independence. But in an unexpected move, Vietnam voluntarily joins the Regime, and a tenuous peace in Southeast Asia is achieved.
At the same time, IndoChine forces invade and occupy Taiwan, the Philippines, and form a blockade around Japan and South Korea with the help of the North Koreans. Surprisingly, China restrains North Korea from invading South Korea. At first, the North Koreans are outraged, screaming foul. They were promised a free hand in the south, but China manages to smooth their ruffled feathers. No doubt it's only a matter of time until South Korea is attacked. Behind this terrible drama, the Russians continue to ply the IndoChine regime with more technology and materiel while making a bloody fortune.
In an effort to isolate Australia and control the trade routes across the Pacific, the IndoChine forces strike out eastward to the Solomons. Along the way they take possession of many of the islands and atolls the US Navy and Marines struggled so valiantly to liberate a little more than sixty years before; the world sees them fall once again to dark forces. Although the Indochine Regime is not nearly as oppressive and brutal as their Japanese predecessors, any foreign ruler is an insufferable one.
Renegade nations in Africa and the Middle East are expected soon to align themselves with the IndoChine Regime after receiving heavy financial and military aid, specifically Iran. The Regime is hoping to destabilize these areas in order to spread their influence for future expansion, especially in the Southwestern Hemisphere. South America is a ticking bomb ripe for the picking, where an extremely resourceful and rich benefactor is welcome to supply restful nations with the military hardware and technology to strike deep into the heartland of the United States.
It is thus how we find the situation at the beginning of this series of campaigns.
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