Wargame Design Studio has announced a new game and series today ( in development ) , based on the Medieval Crusades. This means that the Spanish Reconquista should be on the cards...........the only response I can give is:
" For God , .............the Cid and Spain,...............Spaaaain , ..................................Spaaaiiiin ! ". ,
and that is not all ; they have also said that Ancient Rome and Greece wars can also be now considered for future development.....which means that a more detailed wargame study of the Roman Civil War - Pompey vs Caesar is on the near / distant horizon...........................two items that definitely peak my interest .

Scourge of War: Les Cent Jours - Episode 5 - "La Bataille des Le Souffel" Part 1. ( Video ).
These are a little bit difficult to find on ( yuuutub ) if you don't type in Les Cent Jours - it shows the use of the grog mod and is 5 years old. Maybe the mod can be used to do a new battle with the new series of games ?.
Scourge Of War still does not tempt me beyond viewing.......it would drive me nuts with the minor box clicking and units moving through each other/ firing and doing the manic rumba when set up near walls and the A.I. seems to be lacklustre according to some who have played it.