Campaign Series Middle East: Hot Knife Through Butter - AAR/PBEM

Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 1 (of 22) vs Peter: Campaign Series Middle East 1948-1985, " Hot Knife Through Butter"

I am playing the Israeli's, Peter is playing the Syrians.

This scenario takes place in 1982 during the Invasion of Lebanon.

Northern Overview

Here is the overview of my starting positions. You can see the vanguards of two columns in positions at Dahr El Ahmah and Kfar Mechki. The primary victory locations are at these two small towns and will represent the main battlefields for the scenario.

My force is mostly infantry with a couple of tank battalions (Magach 6) with a plethora of supporting weapons.

View attachment 52605

Southern Overview

Here is the southern columns as the advance towards Kfar Mechki and Dahr El Ahmar.

I will advance both of these columns as quickly as I can to the frontline.

View attachment 52606

Dahr El Ahmar.

I have the town secured with an infantry company and tank company. Reinforcements are en route from the south. I am expecting an attack from the north, so I am sending a couple of platoons to gain some Line of Sight.

View attachment 52603

Kfar Mechki

The vanguard here has an infantry battalion and tank battalion. There is a narrow avenue of approach between Hill 1212 and Hill 1187 where my Syrian opponent will have to advance through.

View attachment 52604

Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 2 and 3

Turn's 2 and 3 were pretty quiet and didn't involve much/any action so I didn't take any screenshots.

In the meantime, let me make note of some of the key weapons that will hopefully make this a victorious scenario.

First up is my primary battle tank in this area, the Magach 6. It is an M60 that has been upgraded and uparmoured. As I am using two Mechanized Brigades, I have a couple battalions of these. Knowing what I am up against, I have to use these sparingly and from ambush positions. The terrain favours the defence.

Second is my air defence. There will be a few flights of HOT armed Gazelle's flying around and it is essential I dispatch them prior to them causing armour losses. To do so, I have the M163 (Hovet), which is an M113 APC converted to house a 20mm M61 Vulcan rotary cannon.

Third is my anti-tank weapon systems. I have two supporting the Mechanized Brigades. The M150 and Jeeps mounting TOW launchers. The M150 is an M113 with a TOW launcher mounted on top. It is lightly armoured, so will have to be used sparingly. The Jeeps are soft targets, which as its advantages.

Both of these weapon systems will have to utilize the terrain as much as possible in order to survive contact.

Lastly, I have a few flights of Cobra's armed with TOW's and rockets coming on as reinforcements. These are extremely powerful anti-tank weapons.


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 4

My manuevering in the east was successful as I managed to catch a couple flights of Gazelle's unaware. My M163's have left them burning hulks on the landscape.

Dahr El Ahmar

It appears I have run into a company of T-72's and some infantry. There is more where that came from, so I am pulling back my frontline and abandoning the village. Two the south of the 100 VP location is a decending road, I will move in behind there and force him to advance to the crest. Hopefully I will be able to take shots at him as he advances and attempts to seize the Victory Point location.

Kfar Mechki

The Syrian vanguard appears to be a mechanized infantry company. While they are entering into the narrow pass, I am maneuvering to gain some Line of Sight into the pass and move my forces around to protect the flanks from any unncessary surprises.


Here is the overview of the northern part of the battlefield. The Red and Blue lines represent the Hard and Soft attack ranges of the M163. Even thoug the Soft Attack range is two kilometres, getting kills at that distance is a rarity.


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 5

Dahr El Ahmar

The T-72's appear to be attempting to flank my position on the west side of Dahr El Ahmar. I have responded accordingly by transfering infantry and tanks along my hard surface road that connects the two towns.

Kfar Mechki

The self-propelled mortars are focusing their fire on the pass, causing some casualties among the Syrians. I am attempting to dig in at Kfar Mechki, but I am unsure I will have enough time to do so before the Syrians come knocking. Fortunately, there doesn't appear to be a lot of tanks in this sector yet. I have a lot of armoured personel carriers that I am moving into the wooded areas behind the main fighting. These are easy targets and best be put out of harms way.


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 6

Dahr El Ahmar

While I wait for the western advance, a company of T-72's have crested the ridge at Dahr El Ahmar. The infantry screen just south of the 100VP location will halt the advance, but they don't seem to be taking out too many tanks, even at close range.

To the northeast of Aaqbe, I have a series of M150's and a couple of Magach 6 platoons that will fire across the valley towards the T-72's across the way. To the northwest, I am building up a screen to hopefully halt any flank advance from the Syrians. I have every intention of holding that paved road that connects Dahr El Ahmar and Kfar Mechki.

Kfar Mechki

South of Hill 1187, I am attempting to move over the ridge to see what the Syrians are doing to the west of Hill 1187. So far, it just looks like a few screening troops. The Syrians in the pass are assembling and looking like they will be assaulting in the next few turns. As expected, I am trying to soften up the assembly area with my mortars. For naught? Probably, but I don't mind trying!


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 7

Dahr El Ahmar

The T-72's are making an appear in the west north of HILL 1036. I am using an infantry screen to halt their advance. The only way this tactic will work is if I can get Line of Sight onto his armour while they are sitting out into the open with my TOW's and Magach 6's.

If he breaks through the infantry, I'm going to have an exceptionally bad day.

I am swinging some troops to the woods and high ground between Dahr El Ahmar and HILL 1289, with the intention of securing that flank from any surprises.

Kfar Mechki

The Syrians are taking some losses in the pass, but haven't advanced too far yet. The screen in the village is still holding, although I moved one infantry platoon back out of Line of Sight. The Syrians have quite a bit of artillery and they are taking their toll on my infantry.

I am advancing an infantry company south of HILL 1187 and have run into a BMP company with some supporting Sagger's. I'll hold this position for a few turns before retreating back up to the ridge.


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 8-9

Dahr El Ahmar & Kfar Mechki

The last couple of turns have been pretty intense. I lost a few Magach 6's in the center, but my infantry is holding firm. The Syrians have secured the 100 VP location south of Dah El Ahmar, but I am still able to fire across the valley from the Aaqbe area. Regardless, I will still need to reinforce this area to prevent a breakthrough.

The assault in the pass in the west has slowed up a bit, but I lost my Line of Sight to the west of the pass. My infantry probe in the south is taken some losses, but causing some as well. I have an M150 platoon at the top of the hill, which pop's out and takes some potshots at the BMP's at the bottom of the ridge.


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 10


Pretty well half way through and here is the overall situation. This is zoom out level number 7, so while you get an excellent overview of the situation, it isn't intended to give you specific detailed reporting.

You can see I am still holding the center area fairly well although I have little to know reinforcements to help beef up any action that happens in the south.

With the exception of a couple of flights of TOW armed Cobra's that arrived this turn. They are in the southwest.


The southern screen was provided by a couple of Jeep's armed with TOW's. They were keeping an eye on my southwest flank.

Here are the two flights of Cobra's. Quite frankly, these arrived just in time as I have noticed a flank attack in this sector by T-62's. The Cobra's used their TOW's and eliminated a couple of platoons of them. They will fly around this area in hopes of defeating any further attacks.

Dahr El Ahmar

My infantry has stalled the advance west of HILL 1036, and with the M150's and Magach 6's taking their toll on the T-72's, they are forced to halt their advance and seek defensive terrain.

An intense infantry fight has broken out to the southwest of Dahr El Ahmar and I see some more Gazelle's in the neighbourhood. With them flying around it, it is essential I keep my armoured vehicles out of Line of Sight. (You can see the Gazelle a few hexes southeast of Dah El Ahmar north of the woods).

Kfar Mechki

This area is getting a bit more tense as I know have to worry about the southwest flank. The Syrians are advancing towards Kfar Mechki and my infantry is paying in blood. I am pulling back the infantry company southwest of HILL 1187 to rejoin the fight at Kfar Mechki, but it will be a delaying action.


Here is the present loss situation.

I have lost 23 Magach 6's in the battle so far.

On the bright side, I have taken out 27 T-72's and 17 T-62's.

The 52 strength points of Rifle Platoon is painful though (about 26 squads or roughly 250 men).

Last edited:

Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 11 and 12

Dahr El Ahmar

The T-72's are retreating in the face of the TOW's and direct fire from Magach 6's. The infantry screen is advancing steadily to make the flank attack turn into a flank defence.

The action around the 100VP location at Dahr El Ahmar is getting more intense. I have managed to bring in some additional reinforcements in the form of infantry, which isn't destroying many of the tanks, but definitely holding the line and providing my support vehicles a clear shot into the area.

The flight of Gazelles with HOT missiles was destroyed, but there is one more flying around.

Kfar Mechki

The Syrians are making a determined effort to seize HILL 1212. I don't have enough forces to really hold it, but I will do my best to make a fight out of it.

I still control Kfar Mechki, but things are getting hairy around there. A lot of infantry fighting going on, fighting block by block. The Syrians were forced to retreat from my direct fire.

The infantry company south of HILL 1187 is slowly making its way back to the town, I am hoping they can get there before things get really ugly.


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 13

Dahr El Ahmar

The T-72's continue their retreat, but the action at Dahr El Ahmar appears far from over. The Syrians are dug in like Alabma tics on that ridge. My reinforcement infantry has started to arrive and I am attempting to flank to the east of the town through the woods.

The infantry screen north of HILL 1036 is taking advantage of the Syrian retreat and advancing quickly over the open, hoping to avoid artillery and force the Syrians to continue to move back. I am taking shots with my Magach's and M150's as often as I can. So far, I'm not losing as much armour in this sector as he is.

You can see the last flight of Gazelles just northwest of Dahr El Ahmar. My AAA is too far away to take it out, so I will have to wait to see if I can get a lucky shot in the next while.

Kfar Mechki

Kfar Mechki is having a bad day. The Syrians have captured it, so I pulled back out of Line of Sight on the other edge of the woods. I am hoping to draw him out so I can continue bleeding his troops.

I am shifting a few platoons to HILL 1212 and sending a tank company north of HILL 1023 to take on the roaming/retreating T-72's that are in that area.

The infantry company south of HILL 1187 is making good time as it advances towards Kfar Mechki. I'll use these troops to hopefully recapture the town.


My Cobra's are flying around taking some shots in the deep southwest flank. The TOW's they carry are extremely powerful and tend to take out an entire platoon at a time. Unfortunately, they will run out of ammo soon and I will be forced to fly back to the Headquarters (very bottom of the map) to resupply.

Typically I will be allowed 4 attacks before I have to fly for reload.

The southwest is vary scarcely defended. That being the case, I will have to move some additional reinforcements to fire across the valley on the hard surface road, as I suspect that is where the Syrians are heading.

A challenge indeed!


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 14


Here is the overall situation.

I still have the main hardsurfaced route between Dahr El Ahmar and Kfar Mechki in hand and taking the opportunity to advance north of it.

The situtation in the southwest looks bad... because it is. It appears an entire T-62 battalion is attempting to drive into the rear of that area.

Dahr El Ahmar

With the infantry reinforcements focusing on keeping the Syrians busy near the 100VP location southwest of Dahr El Ahmar, I have been able to start a flanking maneuver to the west. I now have Line of Sight into the rear of his position, which I am hoping will cause him to pull back and abandon his position.

Kfar Mechki

Holy crap!! Look at all those Syrians. I had managed to secure HILL 1212, at the top of the image, and that gained me Line of Sight into the Valley. Lions, tigers and bears...oh my.

The fighthing for the woods south of Kfar Mechki is still raging. Quite a few reductions, disruptions and retreats for both parties. My reinforcement company is nearly on scene to start the process of taking back the town in the next turns.

I had shifted a couple of the Magach 6 platoons to the south in preparation of meeting the horde.


Speaking of horde... Look at all those T-62's in the southwest portion of the image.

The plan to deal with them is to create a killzone just north of HILL 941 using the Cobra's and TOW teams on the east side of that valley, just west of Beit Lahia. My TOW teams consist of a number of jeeps carrying TOW's and the M150's.

I have ambushed a few already, which bodes well, but the horde is still a ways away!


Tank losses have remained steady for me, but I have had the opportunity to take out quite a few of the Syrian tanks.

Since the infantry is doing most of the direct contact fighting, my casualities are reaching for the sky.

Victory Conditions

At this point in the scenario, I seem to still have a Major Victory... barely. Fortunately, I have taken 100 Strength Points fewer losses, which helps with the totals.


Old Dog

May 31, 2006
Reaction score
New England
llUnited States
Your account and the screen shots you have displayed make for a very nice article. They make really effective advertising for the game too.
Many thanks,
Old Dog / Lou

Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 15

Dahr El Ahmar

Things are turning around for me in this sector. My infantry flanking move seems to be having the desired results as the Syrians are pulling back and securing their rear.

I still haven't managed to take out that blasted flight of Gazelle's with HOT missiles.

The advance in the valley north of HILL 1023 and HILL 1036 is also going well, pushing and eliminating the T-72's if they stay too close to my advancing line.

Kfar Mechki

Sooooo many Syrians. One just has to look at them as prime targets! I have drawn some tanks out of Kfar Mechki, which are taking a beating while I move the reinforcement infanty company up to the treeline. I will start the assault very shortly.

HILL 1212 is turning into a significant battle location, we have exchanged that ridgeline Victory Point location a few times now. Makes sense though, as it provides excellent Line of Sight into the valley floor where the Syrians are congested.

You can see a couple of flights of Cobra's appearing in the very south of the map. They will assist in dealing with the attempted breakout.

And, just a reminder, that if you don't like the counter graphics, they also come available in NATO Counters!


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 16

Dahr El Ahmar

You can see the Syrians pulling back quite a bit in this sector. I am taking the opportunity to bring up additional infantry. I'll swing through the woods and make my way towards HILL 1145.

You can see his flight of Gazelle's hovering around HILL 1145, just out of range of my AAA. Being there, he is gaining excellent intel on my movements as I surround Dahr El Ahmar.

The west flank is steadily advancing causing the T-72's to head for the hills. As far as I am concerned, this sector is now secure and I am just mopping up.

Kfar Mechki

HILL 1212 is still being contested, I will have to bring some additional reinforcements over here if I plan on holding it.

The battle of Kfar Mechki is going well. I am giving my forces a rest before I attempt to enter the town, letting them recover from disruptions and morale losses.

My Cobra's are doing their job and destroying any tank that they can see. I do have to choose my targets wisely, as my ammunition is limited.

Here is the same view but in the isometric 3D mode!

HILL 941

Ambush Alley? I think that's appropriate. My TOW armed jeeps are causing some havoc, taking out T-62's where I can. The two Magach 6 platoons at the top of the map are holding their own against any advance from HILL 941 so far.


Fortunately, the Syrian losses keep on racking up while my losses are staying fairly consistent.


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 17

Dahr El Ahmar

In an effort to completely encircle the Syrians north of Dahr El Ahmar, I am moving up both flanks with infantry and some tank support. The Syrians are pulling out Dahr El Ahmar more swiftly now, as the position is no longer tenable.

The majority of the wrecks west of Dah El Ahmar are his T-72's, fortunately for me. There are a few straggler platoons left that I am trying to acquire with my M150's.

Here's a 3D view of the action at Dahr El Ahmar.

Kfar Mechki

HILL 1212 is slowly falling into Syrian hands. If I don't get some support up there pronto, the hill will fall.

The battle of Kfar Mechki will start next turn. My infantry has recovered mostly and ready to attempt to assault the position. I will also creep towards the valley floor where the 100 Victory Point location is and see if I can recapture it.

HILL 941

More reinforcements have arrived for the Syrians. While they are prime position for my TOW armed vehicles across the valley, their Opportunity Fire is also taking its toll on my forces.

Hopefully I can continue to hold them here for a bit longer.


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 20

Hmm, it appears in my excitement, I had forgotten to take screenshots of Turns 18 and 19.


Here is the overall situation. The last few turns things have been going fairly well for me, no complaints there. I still have that thorn in my side at HILL 941, but otherwise, progress is being made.

Dahr El Ahmar

The last remnants of the Syrians in this sector as slowly being eliminated. I will continue the advance north to see if I can mop up the rest by the end of the game.

Kfar Mechki

Over the last couple of turns I have been assaulting the town of Kfar Mechki. It has been a heated exchange, and we have been swapping the 100 Victory Point location each turn. I am taking heavy losses, but I am ready to hold the town.

HILL 1212 has remained in my possession.

Here is a 3D view of the above.

HILL 941

The last few turns has seen me render the T-62 tank battalion effectively useless. Had my Cobra's not shown up on scene, this flanking move would have been the end of my position. Yay for TOW's!


I have secured a Major Victory by a fair amount.


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 21

Dahr El Ahmar

I have secured the last Victory Point Location north of Dahr El Ahmar. I will spend the last turn hunting down any remaining Syrians in this sector that I find.

Kfar Mechki

Kfar Mechki and HILL 1212 are both in my possession. Since there is only one turn left, I should be able to maintain my presence here.

Having a Magach 6 platoon on top of HILL 1212 allows me to destroy any light armoured vehicles in the valley below.


Jason Petho

Aug 14, 2002
Reaction score
Calgary, AB, Canada
Turn 22 - End of Game

Dahr El Ahmar

Dahr El Ahmar is secure and I have been rounding up the last few Syrians.

Kfar Mechki

Kfar Mechki and HILL 1212 have remained under my control. A lot of losses in this sector, but my forces held firm.

The fighting around here over the last 10 turns had me the most worried.


Here are the final positions for the Israeli's. The west side stayed pretty well the same from the beginning, the east had a lot of changes.


I lost a lot of my Magach 6's, but maintained my kill ratio's against the Syrians.

Using all of the troops at my disposal to the best of their abilities, I was able to make a seemingly unbalanced and losing situation into a Major Victory.