Early this morning, 16th December, 80 years ago; the last desperate offensive of the Wehrmacht was launched against a thin and surprised American defence in Belgium.............................the " Wacht am Rhein ".
Lots of fun was had as a teen with the original SPI Version, ( perhaps not so, for my nail-biting American side

opponent ), for some reason my favourite unit was the 3rd Fallschirmjager Division and this drama and learning experience has continued with the WDS PC game and eventually with the updated Decision games version which stands proud on my shelf next to Atlantic Wall.
To my mind - you are only a true board wargamer if you have the triumvirate, which is - 1.Bulge , 2.Waterloo and 3.Gettysburg..........

and here's the Christmas squirrel version.


Bought some,........some................,some chrit, ................chrisssmussmuss booze.

........ today...................bit urly .........jus won ltttle drink..............jus had one glass.........celibate.........No ! .....No ! ' ........Noooooooooooo !!! ............celebrate Bulgey asnd................... kissmass.............................that's rite............Kissmuss ...................celibutt kisssmuss......................................Urghh! ....


" General Macauliffe sounds like my sort of guy ! "..

...............Hic !

" A guud driiink and book on...... Bulgeey .......
.are....................... all you neeeed for............ kissmuss ! " Hic !

This map was perused and fought over more times than I care to mention. A dream ticket game at one stage but has been overshadowed and superceded by the new, superior Decision Games version which has a spectacular map.
Relegated to the Hall of Memory....................along with SPI's Wellington's Victory. The Initiation games...........they were ........................Good stuff !

Oh , Oh ! I am getting a bit melancholic...............that means, time for another drink........

or maybe two,


................................................................................................................................................That's done the trick..........Hic !

Attack on the Schnee Eiffel Highway
Loaded up the " Bulge " - look at all that lovely artillery supporting the two German Divisions ; four full stacks of rocket launchers. If only that was available everywhere.
Must remember to update and mod the bridges..............

Von Lauchert's 2nd Panzer within spitting distance of Clervaux.......

. ( End of GT .7. )