Where would a unit in hex Y19 rout to if there is a known enemy unit in hex Z17?
Here's the map (excerpt):
View attachment 30618
An oddity came up while playing a Pegasus Bridge scenario the other day. Units broke in Y19 and then we got to the rout phase. Typically they would rout toward the nearest woods or building - Z20. However once they get to Y21 (the exit hex for the bridge), hex Z20 would be routing closer to a known enemy unit. The building in Z20 is not initially closer to a known enemy unit, and the enemy unit is not "discovered" part way through the rout (allowing a new target hex to be designated). Could someone shed some light on this? I'm sure I'm forgetting some nuance of the routing rules. Thanks.
Here's the map (excerpt):
View attachment 30618
An oddity came up while playing a Pegasus Bridge scenario the other day. Units broke in Y19 and then we got to the rout phase. Typically they would rout toward the nearest woods or building - Z20. However once they get to Y21 (the exit hex for the bridge), hex Z20 would be routing closer to a known enemy unit. The building in Z20 is not initially closer to a known enemy unit, and the enemy unit is not "discovered" part way through the rout (allowing a new target hex to be designated). Could someone shed some light on this? I'm sure I'm forgetting some nuance of the routing rules. Thanks.