Blood Reef:Tarawa CG Strategy


Feb 3, 2003
Reaction score
Vista California
llUnited States
I have to chirp in here..
I really love setting up a heavily fortified defense ala BRT.. To share a couple comments/notes:
- As the Japanese in CGIII, recognizing that you can't defend everything, and assuming that you may have to give up something soon in the game in order to properly defend elsewhere, my question is:
1) What do you give up (ie. RB1, 2, 3?)
2) What do you defend to the death (ie. RB1: defend up front, inside, etc.)
I've set up giving the Marine the beaches of the 'Beak', but defending at the 'Neck' with support from both Green beach and the horse-shoe Lagoon beaches. Defend Red Beach 2 & 3 up front.
Too bad - we lost that one. It was a blast though, and I got to go mano-mano with Steve D. on Red Beach 3 - a rare moment of truth.

- When I prepared the map, I had the benefit of a very detailed Marine Intelligence Report in 3-ring binder, complete with many pictures and drawings, circa 12/43 and obtained by Steve Dethlefsen (Marine). Notes in the margins by Shoup, etc.. Showed details of Forts used by Japanese down to the gnats-ass. By far the coolest resource I've ever been privledged to have.
- If you like setting up the Japanese defense for BRT, I think you'll really like the Ponyri game I'm trying to prepare for eventual release. Massive Russian defensive works / artillerty / support weapons sets up pre-game.
Wow - it's massive, and not unlike BRT in some ways.