B13.41 Woods Road Vehicle Entry / VCA change D2.11


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Poplar Ridge , NY
llUnited States
Q 1.) A vehicle crosses a Road hexside to enter a woods road hex (i.e.; driving on the road), using road rate, there is a wreck on the road, no other conditions apply. Is the cost 1 1/2 MP, 2 1/2 MP, or 4 1/2 MP?

Assuming the vehicle is CE, the base MP cost is 1/2 MP. Per D2.14 this is increase by 2 MP since using the road movement rate. These 2 MP are then doubled per B13.41: "All MP penalties for entering a hex containing a wreck/vehicle... ...are doubled while in a woods hex." So cost is 4 1/2 MP.

Q 2.) Same premise as Q1. Is the MP penalty for the wreck - not doubled, doubled, or doubled twice (IOW- doubled for road and again for woods road) ?

See above.

Q 3.) Can a vehicle avoid the Doubled MP penalty for a woods road hex with a wreck on the road by not claiming / using the road rate while crossing a wood road hexside?

Yes, but then it would be entering the woods at half MP and need to take a Bog Check.

Q 4.) Is the 2 MP cost to change the VCA in a woods >location considered to be a 1 MP Penalty?

No. The "normal" VCA cost in woods is 2 MP per hexside.

Q 5.) From Q4 Vehicle is on the road in a wood road hex. If it is a penalty is that doubled to a 2 MP penalty (total cost of 3MP) for changing VCA to / from / through (aka; across) a hexside that does not contain a road hexside?

Changing VCA across a non-road hexside while on a woods-road I believe costs 4 MP. Normal cost 2 MP per D2.11, doubles to 4 MP per B13.41.

Q 6.) from description in Q 5.) what does it cost for a VCA change across a non-road hexside in a woods road hex?

4 MP.

....Perry MMP