Weather lines are missing for May 22, 1809. I have never received a note on this before. Odd how it never came out. I am sure that someone must have gotten to the second day before. Maybe that was before the weather lines were made available for this game.
I had not intended to make any more corrections to the game and I am not sure when John can put out an update. For now here is what you can do:
1. Copy the .PDT file Bridge_French.pdt
2. In the weather lines near the end of the file copy the entire set. Then paste them in after the last line you copied. Change all of the dates for the pasted lines to be "1809 5 22"
3. Save your original PDT File and use the new one instead just in case you want to revert to the old file in case something doesn't work.
Here is what your weather lines will look like after you are done:
1 1809 5 21 4 0 100 1 100 100 100 0 0 Clear
1 1809 5 21 5 0 100 4 100 100 100 0 0 Dawn/Clear
1 1809 5 21 5 15 100 8 100 100 100 0 0 Dawn/Clear
1 1809 5 21 5 30 100 16 100 100 100 0 0 Dawn/Clear
1 1809 5 21 5 45 100 32 100 100 100 0 0 Dawn/Clear
1 1809 5 21 6 0 100 60 100 100 100 0 0 Clear
1 1809 5 21 19 0 100 32 100 100 100 0 0 Dusk/Clear
1 1809 5 21 19 15 100 16 100 100 100 0 0 Dusk/Clear
1 1809 5 21 19 30 100 8 100 100 100 0 0 Dusk/Clear
1 1809 5 21 19 45 100 4 100 100 100 0 0 Dusk/Clear
1 1809 5 21 20 0 100 1 100 100 100 0 0 Clear
1 1809 5 22 4 0 100 1 100 100 100 0 0 Clear
1 1809 5 22 5 0 100 4 100 100 100 0 0 Dawn/Clear
1 1809 5 22 5 15 100 8 100 100 100 0 0 Dawn/Clear
1 1809 5 22 5 30 100 16 100 100 100 0 0 Dawn/Clear
1 1809 5 22 5 45 100 32 100 100 100 0 0 Dawn/Clear
1 1809 5 22 6 0 100 60 100 100 100 0 0 Clear
1 1809 5 22 19 0 100 32 100 100 100 0 0 Dusk/Clear
1 1809 5 22 19 15 100 16 100 100 100 0 0 Dusk/Clear
1 1809 5 22 19 30 100 8 100 100 100 0 0 Dusk/Clear
1 1809 5 22 19 45 100 4 100 100 100 0 0 Dusk/Clear
1 1809 5 22 20 0 100 1 100 100 100 0 0 Clear
I do NOT suggest copying the text from this thread and pasting it into your file. There may be odd characters that get added in. A simple Replace command in Wordpad works fine.
This should work fine in your game. If not well you were not going to be able to play out the game using the current PDT File anyway ...
I know that customers are not supposed to tinker with the PDT files but the thing here is is that unless you play HTH you never will have an issue with this with another player. I know you have been playing the entire 1809 campaign and your AARs are nice to check on every so often.
If you want to just suspend your game for a year or so ... well the PDT file may come out by then. I know that John is swamped and probably cannot address this for at least a year.
I note that Dawn
above is at 5.00AM and that Dusk
above commences at 7.00PM with night falling at 8.00PM.
Currently, I only have my Wagram game patched up to version 1.08. The weather line/s there are minimal with the Dawn set at 4.00AM and Dusk generally commencing at 8.00PM ( with night falling at 9.00PM ). Note - each of these points was tested ...
It therefore appears that at the 1.09 patch ( at least for the
above scenario ) that Dawn was adjusted to 1 hour later and Dusk/Night were adjusted to 1 hour sooner.
Was this a deliberate adjustment/correction or has an error occured ? Perhaps the error is ( only ) in the
above weather lines ?
NB : I also note that on the 1.08 version the Essling PDT has Dusk at 7.00PM wereas the Aspern PDT has it at 8.00PM. These two PDT's should surely have the same time for Dusk ?