
Elder Member
Nov 2, 2011
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Pittsburgh, PA
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llUnited States

"Miracle on Dice".
This calls for the video itself.
All Americans of a certain age should fondly remember this. Best sports moment of my lifetime.
Last edited:

Bret Hildebran

Elder Member
Jan 31, 2003
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llUnited States
Wednesday Mini Updates:
  • Godzilla King of the Monsters: Chad Cummins triumphs besting the Big Game Hunter Champ John Garlic. Chad's Russians triumphed in a long game of Sowchos 79. Chad won a star-studded mini featuring 3 former Grofaz and a runner-up.
  • Where Sgt. Schultz Fears to Tread: Wes Vaughn claims victory over Camille Gaureau in the final.
  • Gor-Gor Heretical Variant: Jeff Wasserman overcomes Neil Stanhagen in a rare double jeopardy Wednesday final / Thursday opening round game.
  • Stealth of the Ninja: Ken Daughety overcomes Stan Jackson for jungle superiority, at least on the first day of PTO minis.
  • S.S. as in Social Security: Philippe Briaux overwhelms Randy Rossi in the final to claim the first social security mini title.
  • Gunned Up in the Desert: Joe Devine wins his first ever ASLOK plaque with a triumph over Rich Fulcher.
  • Where Sgt. Schultz Fears to Tread #2: Kevin Killeen dominates the field ending with a win over Russ Curry in the finals.
All 7 Wednesday minis finished in a timely manner which might be a record.

Bret Hildebran

Elder Member
Jan 31, 2003
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llUnited States
Thursday Mini Updates:

  • Night: Wes Vaughn and Daniel Plachta are currently engaged in a double jeopardy final of the Night and first round of Best of 2024 mini.
  • Pacific: Stan Jackson avenges his day one PTO loss with a triumph at the expense of Camille Gaureau.
  • Deluxe: Bill Stopped and Ray Vincent are looking for a time to decide the final.
  • Tincans & Popguns: John Gorkowski triumphs over Wai-kwong Wong in AP7 Directive #3
  • Across the 38th Parallel: Mike Reed dominates Korea with a win over Fabio Mazzucchelli in the final.
  • Twilight of the Reich: Ken Mioduski and Alan Saltzman are currently playing Rails to Perdition to decide the mini final. Ken has the Axis. Twilight of the Reich designer will always have to live with ignominy of not making it out of the semis in his own mini as Ken KO'd him in the semis.
  • Battling Buckeyes: Bob Bendis has a date with Rich Summers to settle the final if/when their Grofaz hopes have died.
  • Crazy Train: Steve Pleva and John McDiarmid have a date to finish the final at a later time.
  • Tincans & Popguns #2: Andrea Pagni and Rob Loper are currently playing 199 Ace in the Hole in round 1 of the Best of the Best Grofaz mini to settle this one in a double jeopardy event. Rob has the defending Germans.
3 of the 9 Thursday minis finished in a timely manner. 8 of the minis were full and one had 6 meaning 70 folks were gunning for greater mini glory Thursday morning.

Bret Hildebran

Elder Member
Jan 31, 2003
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llUnited States
Official Attendance has swollen to 123. Some hope we catch up to last year's 127 depending on how many stragglers we pick up over the weekend. Post Covid the attendance has been 113-111-127 and now 123 (and counting). Some signs of a slow recovery but still not back to the 140+ levels we were regularly enjoying in the before times. The biggest difference might be fewer overseas players than before for whatever reason as I think we only had 3 players that crossed an ocean to be here this year which is a far cry from the years that 9 ANZACs or 9 Swedes invaded greater Cleveland.

Friday morning sees 10 minis kicked off with 60 folks going for greater mini glory. 5 full minis and 5 that will be 2 rounders which probably means I made a couple plaques too many, but that also means 2 happier players at the end of the minis which isn't exactly a bad thing.

Bret Hildebran

Elder Member
Jan 31, 2003
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llUnited States
Bonus Mini Updates:
  • Honneur et Patrie Playtest #1: Alan Saltzman triumphs over David Goldman to win the Gary Fortenberry playtest bonus mini on Monday.
  • Honneur et Patrie Playtest #2: Mike Zeimentz wins against Jim Svette to take home the Tuesday run of Fort's playtest mini.
  • Twilight Journal Playtest: Walter McWilliams wins the wood from Gary Bartlett in the finals of the Bill Cirillo playtest mini on Tuesday.
  • Schwerpunkt #1: Scott Cochran triumphs over Paul Washington to garner the wood in the first run of the 2024 SP scenarios. Each player in this mini was given a set of Schwerpunkt dice, courtesy of Evan Sherry.
  • Schwerpunkt #2: To be played on Saturday.
This year we had 5 bonus minis. A bonus mini is loosely defined as any mini which we didn't have on the original registration form in January. We ran 1 playtest mini on Monday, 2 on Tuesday and then the SP new scenario minis ran as a staggered late start on Thursday with plans to do the same for the 2nd run on Saturday.

Bret Hildebran

Elder Member
Jan 31, 2003
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llUnited States
Friday Grofaz Update:
  • Best of the Best
    • Chad Cummins and Rich Summers are playing in an early meeting of former Grofaz. Chad has the Americans in 199 Ace in the Hole which oddly enough the entire first round is playing. Poor Le Herisson and Return of the Black Company being neglected so.
    • Andrea Pagni is facing off with Rob Loper in Ace as well. Rob has the defending Germans.
    • Bob Bendis is battling Maurizio Grassi with Bob controlling the attacking Americans.
    • John Gorkowski and Mike Reed are the 4th game of Ace with Mike having the Americans.
  • Best of 2024
    • John Garlic and Fabio Mazzucchelli battled in AP205 A Kick in the Teeth with Fabio's Japanese coming up victorious.
    • John McDiarmid's Japanese also kicked in Ray Vincent's teeth to triumph in AP205.
    • Steve Pleva and Jeff Wasserman are currently dueling in AP210 The Driven Draw Blood. Steve has the British.
    • Wes Vaughn and Dan Plachta are battling in a double jeopardy match of AR4 The Overlook. Wes has the Brits.
    • Fabio and John McDiarmid will be facing off at 3-0 in 300 Nor Will Deep Hell Receive Them. Fabio has the Germans.
At the moment there are no one vying from the open play side of the Grofaz bracket but I guess that could change depending on how things go. But it is looking like a 6-0 Grofaz is the most likely thing this year...

First view of the Grofaz Big Board:

Ric of The LBC

Forum Guru
Oct 22, 2017
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Peoples Republic of California
llUnited States
Friday Grofaz Update:
  • Best of the Best
    • Chad Cummins and Rich Summers are playing in an early meeting of former Grofaz. Chad has the Americans in 199 Ace in the Hole which oddly enough the entire first round is playing. Poor Le Herisson and Return of the Black Company being neglected so.
    • Andrea Pagni is facing off with Rob Loper in Ace as well. Rob has the defending Germans.
    • Bob Bendis is battling Maurizio Grassi with Bob controlling the attacking Americans.
    • John Gorkowski and Mike Reed are the 4th game of Ace with Mike having the Americans.
  • Best of 2024
    • John Garlic and Fabio Mazzucchelli battled in AP205 A Kick in the Teeth with Fabio's Japanese coming up victorious.
    • John McDiarmid's Japanese also kicked in Ray Vincent's teeth to triumph in AP205.
    • Steve Pleva and Jeff Wasserman are currently dueling in AP210 The Driven Draw Blood. Steve has the British.
    • Wes Vaughn and Dan Plachta are battling in a double jeopardy match of AR4 The Overlook. Wes has the Brits.
    • Fabio and John McDiarmid will be facing off at 3-0 in 300 Nor Will Deep Hell Receive Them. Fabio has the Germans.
At the moment there are no one vying from the open play side of the Grofaz bracket but I guess that could change depending on how things go. But it is looking like a 6-0 Grofaz is the most likely thing this year...

First view of the Grofaz Big Board:
View attachment 30254
Go Dan. SoCal represent!


Forum Guru
Mar 25, 2006
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llUnited States

I should be all set to support a mini at any point from Tuesday through Saturday.

I will be bringing copies of the new board 23a for the one scenario. Additionally, interested players should bring boards 42 and 53.

I will also have playtest copies of Tom Morin's two new offerings requiring:

The Streets of Kharkov: boards 16a & 21; overlays Rv1, X19, and Hd7

The Streets of Voronezh: boards 17a & 18a; overlays RR18, RR20, RY9, RY11, RC7, X37, and RW1. RW1 is Runway 1 from ASLSK Expansion pack #2.
Ok, the scenarios may turn out to be great, but we need better titles. :)


Forum Guru
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
llUnited States
The Americans have won the World Cup! I repeat. The Americans have won the World Cup!

For only the 2nd time in 22 years the Americans have triumphed in the World Cup with a stunning 13-11 victory. The first and no longer last time the US won was 2018. Darrell Anderson clinched the victory for the Americans with a clutch win over Camille Gaureau.

John Garlic (2-0) and Gary Fortenberry (3-1) paced the American forces at +2 apiece. John wins the MVP tie-breakers to take home the plaque. Wai-kwong Wong (2-0) was the World MVP.

In the early week Bonus mini action Alan Saltzman downed David Goldman in the Monday Fort Playtest while Mike Zeimentz beat Jim Svette in the Tuesday final. In the Twilight Journal mini final Gary Bartlett is poised to battle Walter McWilliams for the wood.

Wednesday morning saw 54 ASLers dropping into minis with 6 of the 8 being full. Kevin Killeen knocked off Russ Curry in the Sgt. Schultz #2 final to be the first Wednesday mini champ.
The World's A-Team must have been flying in through Florida. They'll get there next week.