ASLOK 2023 update.

Bret Hildebran

Elder Member
Jan 31, 2003
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llUnited States
Looks like the new Action Pack will be priced at $36 retail by MMP and they'll sell it for $27 for the first 30 days. All pre-regs will be able to buy one for a special ASLOK rate of $22 and then as many extras as you'd like for $27. We'll reserve one for all attendees - if you'd like more you can ping me a number to save for you - although if you're arriving early in the week, there's likely no need as we'll have plenty.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2004
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Raleigh, NC
llUnited States
Hi Bret,

I love you like a brother, however, (SP11 Pomeranian Tigers) does not belong) on the Monster Mini-Playlist. It is way to small. Please replace and insert a better quality scenario for the masses.

Sincerely: Big AL


Mar 9, 2008
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West fork, Arkansas
llUnited States
Looks like the new Action Pack will be priced at $36 retail by MMP and they'll sell it for $27 for the first 30 days. All pre-regs will be able to buy one for a special ASLOK rate of $22 and then as many extras as you'd like for $27. We'll reserve one for all attendees - if you'd like more you can ping me a number to save for you - although if you're arriving early in the week, there's likely no need as we'll have plenty.
Save 2 for me Bret. Wes

Bret Hildebran

Elder Member
Jan 31, 2003
Reaction score
llUnited States
Hi Bret,

I love you like a brother, however, (SP11 Pomeranian Tigers) does not belong) on the Monster Mini-Playlist. It is way to small. Please replace and insert a better quality scenario for the masses.

Sincerely: Big AL
The good news is you can avoid playing it by rating it 3rd. Also remember in the Monster Mini you need to complete 2 scenarios on Wednesday so those will never be true monsters, but longer than your average mini scenario. Given that I think Pomeranian Tigers fits well although YMMV. That's why most minis have 3 options per round - hopefully a little something for everyone...

Bret Hildebran

Elder Member
Jan 31, 2003
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llUnited States
A few hotel notes:
  1. Housekeeping is only slated for every 3 days of your stay. Extra towels etc. are available at the front desk though.
  2. We will get a 15% discount at the hotel restaurant (PAWS) - after Monday you should just be able to show your badge to get it .
  3. Monday thru Saturday the restaurant will be open 7a-11a for breakfast (and mini days they expect an early crowd) and 12-8 for lunch/dinner.
  4. On Sunday 10/1 the restaurant will be closed - probably not bad timing given the Picnic option in the afternoon at Dave Ginnard's.
  5. If you're looking for a breakfast option there's a Bob Evans just up 43 and a few options in Aurora depending on what you're looking for.
  6. Sunday 10/8 the restaurant will just be open for breakfast.

Bret Hildebran

Elder Member
Jan 31, 2003
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llUnited States
Note we're not supposed to have outside food/drink in the convention space. No idea how strict they will enforce this, but please try to be relatively low key with this restriction until we figure it out.

If anyone is looking for a game on Friday, ping me with details and I can let Wild Bill know. I think his tentative plan is to hang in the game room in the afternoon for a bit. Bill should have APs starting sometime Friday. Do remember that Friday/Saturday we are in the smaller Garfield B/C rooms. Starting Sunday we move into the annex Hayes ballroom - the annex is off to the right of the main building when entering from the front and has a covered walkway to the main building. We're in the Hayes from Sunday to Sunday. If anyone is looking for games on the Monday after I think we have the Garfield again as a rally point.

Here are this year's T's. Most will be in gold - I think a few of the oddballs may have required a Yellow and one Tall Athletic Size ended up Red (step reduced?) given the yellowish choice looked very green much like last year's Athletic T's.

Evan Sherry

Elder Member
Apr 19, 2004
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Tampa, FL
llUnited States
Rally Point Volume 20: will be released at ASLOK on Wednesday 10/4/23!


Rally Point Volume 20: The Italian Army in World War II
is a set of 10 all new scenarios featuring the Italian Army. Each scenario was handmade and play-tested to the high standard players expect from the Tampa ASL Group’s fine craftsmen. Each scenario is presented in the Schwerpunkt easy-to-read format on high-quality card stock.

RPT191 Lazarus Wilson ADADLE, Somaliland, 15 August 1940: Elements of the Italian 3rd Blackshirt Battalion and the 3rd Bande of Native Troops attack to clear the Somaliland Camel Corps from its hilltop trench line. Captain Eric Charles Twelves Wilson received a Victoria Cross for his leadership in this 5.5 turn desert thriller set on boards 28, 30 and 31.

RPT192 Espirito InaspettatoSPI KAMARATE, Northwest of Ballaban, Albania, 22 January 1941: The Greek 7th Regiment, 1st Division is conducting a double envelopment attack to secure an Albanian hamlet defended by elements of the 6th Alpini Regiment, 2nd Divisione Alpine (Tridentina) with a mountain howitzer and an anti-tank gun. This 6.5 turn all infantry action has plenty of movement for both sides and is set on board 15a.

RPT193 The Daring Ones Hill 731, Albania, 19 March 1941: Elements of the Italian Siena and Centauro Divisions conduct their eighteenth attack to destroy Greek infantry of the 6th Division who are tenaciously defending their Hill 731 trench line. This 5-turn tournament scenario features lots of exciting Hand-to-Hand Combat action on board 78.

RPT194 Maranzani’s Mission SERAFIMOVICH, Volgograd Oblast, Russia, 1 August 1942: Elements of the Italian 3rd Divisione Celere is attacking with twenty squads, light tanks, and motorcycles to clear the Russian 197th Infantry Division from its Don River bridgehead. This 5.5 turn, medium-sized scenario, features a Yeti-like appearance of Lend-Lease Lee tanks being stalked by Italians with Molotov Cocktails and a flamethrower is set on boards 3a, 6a and 86a.

RPT195 Folgore Consolidated - DEIR ALINDA, Egypt, 31 August 1942: An Infantry Company of the 2nd New Zealand Division with supporting Valentine tanks and carriers are attacking to clear nine elite squads of the 185th Divisione Paracadutisti (Folgore) from their sangars and foxholes on a hillock. Italian OBA, flamethrowers and Molotov Cocktails will test your Kiwi nerve in this 5-turn desert action set on boards 26, 27 and 28.

RPT196 Addio Arriete - BIR EL ABD, Egypt, 5 November 1942: Elements of the British 10th Armoured Division are attacking with truck-mounted infantry, Crusader tanks and carriers to destroy a retreating company of Bersaglieri when they are suddenly counterattacked by eleven M13/40 tanks from the 132ª Divisione Corazzata "Ariete". This is 6 turn, fast-moving, armored melee set on boards 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 that is as exciting as desert tank fighting gets.

RPT197 Centaro and Sand Near ANTELAT, Libya, 18 November 1942: Here’s an Italian column of armored cars, and tanks and trucks and rigs of every size from the 131st Armored Division (Centauro) in a meeting engagement at an escarpment bristling with Desert Rats’ Hussars in armored cars and carriers of nearly every flavor known to Monty. Soon, the guns will roar and smoke will fill the skies. Mike Augustine designed this medium-sized, 5-turn, carburetor clogging desert clash set on boards 25e and 26 that is an instant classic. Be sure to wear your dust goggles when you play this one.

RPT198 Ordered Not to ReplyFONDOUK EL AOUAREB, Tunisia, 9 April 1943: Elements of the 34th Infantry Division and supporting M-3 Lee tanks attack to control level four hill hexes defended by an assortment of German, Italian and Native squads with six self-propelled guns and Stuka air support. Mike Augustine designed this large, but fast-playing 5.5 turn scenario that is set on boards 25, 31, 81 and 83.

RPT199 Gruppo Tattico RoncoFLORIDIA, Sicily, 11 July 1943: On D+1 of Operation Husky twenty-four Italian squads from 54th Divisione di Fanteria (Napoli) counterattack supported by ten MR35(f) tanks to recapture a village defended by fifteen 2nd Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) squads and three County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters) tanks. This medium-sized, 6 turn scenario set on boards 11a, 85 and 86, features an exciting and rare opportunity to test your Italian tank crews’ ability to effectively employ obsolete French tanks against Shermans.

RPT200 Red Hot Hannibal North of CanicatTi, Sicily, 12 July 1943: Elements of the American 2nd Armored Division are attacking with twelve squads, five Shermans and two halftracks to clear a village and the surrounding high ground of eleven German and Italian squads from the Bersaglieri Reggimento 177 (Gruppo Venturi) and Kampfgruppe Fullriede that are supported by an Italian 90mm self-propelled tank destroyer. This 5.5 turn, medium sized scenario is set on boards 87 and 88 has lots of movement and tense, nail biting action.


Forum Guru
Feb 4, 2003
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Baltimore, MD
llUnited States
I am scheduled to catch a Lyft from Cleveland Hopkins airport at 12:45pm Wednesday.
Contact me if you want to share the ride.