My experiences with this game keep tempting towards the idea of a redesigned I-class BC for the RN.
Instead of a hammer-armed eggshell (8 x 12", 6" belt) with relatively poor (25kt) speed, how realistic would it have been to have something like:
- 10 x 9.2" in 5 twin turrets, in Dreadnought config
- 8" - 9" belt
- 27kt speed
The guys at Warship Projects don't seem to like the idea, but from experience in Jutland I know that this 9.2" I-class would be much better at plinking CLs, battering PDs and knifing crippled BBs - which is all I use the I-class for anyway!
The advantages are more barrels, higher ROF, more armour and better speed, meaning they can actually run down the CLs. The disadvantage is insufficient firepower to go against enemy BCs or BBs, but you're mad to do that with an I-class anyway.
The big question is what the German reaction would have been to such a ship, and whether it would have been outclassed by the Germans moving to the true BC first.
I don't see that as likely; historically the Germans built Bluecher to a conservative super-AC design even with some indications that Invincible had gone to 12" guns, so their reaction to this fast 9.2" super-AC would probably just be an improved, turbine-powered Bluecher.
Maybe the RN would choose to go in the next (Lion) generation to 8 x 12" on the centreline, but you'd think / hope that the idea of protection against own weapons would dictate at least an 11" belt - probably about as large and expensive as the historical Lion. OTOH, they might stay with 10 x 9.2" but all on the centreline.
Any thoughts?
Instead of a hammer-armed eggshell (8 x 12", 6" belt) with relatively poor (25kt) speed, how realistic would it have been to have something like:
- 10 x 9.2" in 5 twin turrets, in Dreadnought config
- 8" - 9" belt
- 27kt speed
The guys at Warship Projects don't seem to like the idea, but from experience in Jutland I know that this 9.2" I-class would be much better at plinking CLs, battering PDs and knifing crippled BBs - which is all I use the I-class for anyway!
The advantages are more barrels, higher ROF, more armour and better speed, meaning they can actually run down the CLs. The disadvantage is insufficient firepower to go against enemy BCs or BBs, but you're mad to do that with an I-class anyway.
The big question is what the German reaction would have been to such a ship, and whether it would have been outclassed by the Germans moving to the true BC first.
I don't see that as likely; historically the Germans built Bluecher to a conservative super-AC design even with some indications that Invincible had gone to 12" guns, so their reaction to this fast 9.2" super-AC would probably just be an improved, turbine-powered Bluecher.
Maybe the RN would choose to go in the next (Lion) generation to 8 x 12" on the centreline, but you'd think / hope that the idea of protection against own weapons would dictate at least an 11" belt - probably about as large and expensive as the historical Lion. OTOH, they might stay with 10 x 9.2" but all on the centreline.
Any thoughts?