A7.7 Encirclement target


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2014
Reaction score
Brooklyn NY
llUnited States
Which (if either) formulation below is correct:

A. (In a potentially encircle-able location) at least one single unit in the location must undergo potential NMC from consecutive encircling shots for the location to be marked encircled.

B. (In a potentially encircle-able location) consecutive encircling shots must each potentially NMC a unit in the location, though not necessarily the same unit, for the location to be marked encircled.

If neither formulation is satisfactory, or the purpose of the question unclear, please consider the following problematic example:

A German MMC is in a gully hex and has crest status facing due North. A second German MMC is in the same gully with crest status facing due south. They are fired on with consecutive shots, one from the North and then one from the South. Each shot has 1 FP and can cower... the point being that the shot from the North can potentially NMC only the South facing crest unit, and the shot from the South can potentially NMC only the North facing crest unit.

The intent is to have all criteria for encircling fire met in the location but no single personnel unit has been subjected to two consecutive potential NMCs.

Q. In the case given above, would the location be marked with an encirclement counter after the second shot?




