A23.6, A24.2, E1.7

Jeff Sewall

Oct 9, 2004
Reaction score
llUnited States
Does smoke in the thrower's or target hex provide a hindrance DRM to the resolution of a thrown DC?

If so, does the extra +1 DRM apply to resolution in either/both the thrower's hex or the target hex if the smoke is in the thrower's hex?

Does the night LV hindrance apply to resolution of a thrown DC in either the thrower's hex or the target hex, if otherwise applicable?

No to all.


von Marwitz

Forum Guru
Nov 25, 2010
Reaction score
Kraut Corner
So as a tactical note:

As long as you can still see the enemy that is SMOKING you in order to cross that deadly street before scurrying into the building on your side, you can really give him a BANG by dropping a DC from an adjacent upper building level down on him.

Usually, once you are smoked, the enemy feels safe and might be tempted to cross that street with a stack or a leader/squad/MG-combo. Your Half-Squad with DC can convincingly pose as a Dummy before (it cannot fire with too much firepower anyway, so if it does nothing for a good while, your opponent might believe it to by a hoax). As an added bonus, as the DC-resolution is not modified by SMOKE as pointed out by Perry above, it will leave a lot of residual FP in the location you drop it into. This might effectively dissuade your opponent to move follow-up units through the smoked street - Residual FP does not care about SMOKE either except for negating FFMO. So in the 'typical' situation the Americans have tons of SMOKE and can get it down where they want to, intending to offset their crappy 6 Good Order Morale. But they will avoid taking 12+1 or +2 shots for sure (12 RFP from the DC +2 /+3 Smoke, -1 FFNAM). Even if the Americans would attempt to Dash through, that would not be comfortable at all. If they break in the process, they still end up on your side of the road in broken state in the Dashed-to location. Provided they used infantry smoke as cover, this will be gone at the end of the MPh. So if your forces are ADJACENT you might even be able to force the Americans to rout back across the street, possibly having to take interdiction, or to surrender.

von Marwitz