Elder Member
Noticed this on Consimworld today (not sure when it was posted). Relevant parts:
Advanced Squad Leader
Edit: It's also now posted on the MMP site.
Advanced Squad Leader
- Winter Offensive Bonus Pack #14 (2023) has been released;
- The Sainte-Mère-Église HASL has been released;
- The Marco Polo Bridge HASL will go on preorder;
- ASL Journal 14 will be released 1st quarter;
- Ponyri HASL will go on preorder;
- Contested Lands module (1948 Arab-Israeli conflict) will go on preorder;
- A reprint of Armies of Oblivion will go on preorder;
- We are working on a reprint of Solitaire ASL;
- Doomed Battalions will go on reprint;
- Twilight of the Reich, a boxed ASL module, will go on preorder.
- ASLSK Marco Polo Bridge HASL will go on preorder. Ownership of ASLSK4 will be required to play;
- An ASLSK magazine should be released;
- ASLSK Expansion Pack 3 will be released.
Edit: It's also now posted on the MMP site.
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