1- On the Road to Isigny

George Kelln

Elder Member
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Victoria, BC, Canada
Prize Pack 1- On the Road to Isigny playtest v. Ernie Cameron; D-Day +2, the US 175th Regiment, 29th Infantry Division is advancing inland from Omaha Beach and have come upon the German defences of the Grenadierregiment 914, 352.Infanteriedivision.

Turn 1, the leading American platoon mounted on Sherman tanks cautiously probe forward waiting for the rest of the rifle company to arrive on Turn 2 and moving into position to fire on the Germans.

Turns 3 & 4 the Americans push up the road, their firepower is forcing back the Germans; however, it would appear that the Americans had forgotten load their tanks with WP & Smoke shells; and most of their infantry has left their Smoke Grenades on the landing crafts.


17938 17939

George Kelln

Elder Member
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Victoria, BC, Canada
1- On the Road to Isigny playtest v. Ernie Cameron; a nail bitter that came down to the last American MPh;

Despite the Americans squeaking a victory, the dice gods were over on the other side of the bocage in the German camp;. Between the numerous DR of 2-4 shaking off on 1MC & 2MC added to Americans' total lack of smoke; in the game I rolled for no more than 3 Smoke Grenades (50% chance to get one) and the the 4x M4 Sherman tanks only getting 1x WP shell (WP7, S5) and 2x Smoke from (sM5) Mortars; it was boonie bashing up and over bocages for the infantry.

In the end the three operational M4 Sherman tanks along with an 8-1 leader, & a 6-6-6 squad exited the south edge. The requirement was 22 Exit VP with at least 4 VP being infantry.

The American 60mm Mortar (4FP OBA module) started with 10B/3R, ended with 10B/8R, never receiving battery access the entire game. (If a Red Chit is drawn, it is returned and another Red chit is added to the mix).

Casualties were light; the Americans losing 3x HS, a M4 Sherman with Malf'd MA and immobilized on the Bocage. The Germans lost 2x 4-4-7, 2-3-7, &, 2-2-7 + 81mm Mortar. The Americans.

Great game Ernie, we're now moving over to the British sector.


17961 17962