I GM more than I play, I love the comments and seem to recall using quite a few of them. I know I need to use more of them too. Nothing better for a GM than to see their players worry. LOL
Well, there is worrying, then there is WORRYING.
The dungeon with "The God of Merciless Killing" was somewhat of a trap. Apparently, before I joined the group, they had offended some gods (NOT a good thing to do), who transported them to this dungeon as a punishment. We were simply trying to find a way out.
Calling the place a "Monty Haul" dungeon was an understatement:
- There was one hallway we called the Meatgrinder. We had no idea what was down it. All we knew was, if a person went down it, an hour or so later a steaming pile of (unresurrectable) ground meat would slide out of a hopper in another part of the dungeon.
- There was the afore-mentioned God of Merciless Killing.
- Other UtterDeath regions...
- I think we finally "got out" by pledging our souls to a reincarnated Vecna...
I didn't play with the group for long. Monty Haul isn't really my style, plus, I made myself somewhat unpopular one evening. See, we were dealing with one massively-trapped room, and no-one could seem to agree on what to do. So, I started passing notes to the DM. 45 minutes or so later, after a huge explosion (which caused virtually no damage, I had apparently managed to balance the "positive and negative energy flows" properly...) the DM passed me a note for 60,000XP, and another guy 10,000XP for being gutsy-enough to work with me.
I suppose it is kinda irritating if you're all 8-9 level or so, and this piddlin' 4th or 5th level fellow goes and solves the entire puzzle while you're arguing about trivia....
Brian Pickering