xbox 360

  1. heliodorus04

    XOne Tombraider Dual Person Survival Mode

    Anyone play Rise of the Tombraider and own the aftermarket DLC for Survival Mode? I love Survival Mode (20 days is my max but I could go more) and I don't know anyone to play it with. My gamertag is the same as my account here. Or send me a message.
  2. Scott Tortorice

    6 Reasons To Buy A PlayStation 3 Instead Of An Xbox 360

    I think this is what I told Manilianus :): 6 Reasons To Buy A PlayStation 3 Instead Of An Xbox 360
  3. Manilianus

    Sell me on Xbox 360

    Gentleman! I am an old PC gamer (mostly FPS and Arkham Asylum, sometimes EU III), but am sick and tired of constantly upgrading my hardware to run new games. So I've decided to buy a console. Now, tell me that it is a bad idea/good idea and that choosing Xbox 360 over PS3 is a good idea/bad...
  4. Dr Zaius

    Dead Space 2 trailer

    New Dead Space 2 trailer for Halloween And some multiplayer goodness
  5. Dr Zaius

    Dead Space for the Xbox 360

    Anyone played the X360 version of Dead Space? I have the PC version, which is somewhat akward and difficult to control with a mouse and keyboard. The game seems pretty decent, but it was obviously meant to be played on a console so I'm thinking of picking this up.
  6. KingNothing12

    Madden 10

    Finally Madden 10 has been released. I went to the midnight release last night and played until 3 or 4 in the morning. I think this game is in the running for sports game of the year. The game is filled with minor improvements to make it an overall exellent game. itfiXuR2dR4 Anyone else...
  7. Scott Tortorice

    Xbox 360 Sales Rise As Other Systems Fall

    Boy was it a busy news day today... Xbox 360 Sales Rise As Other Systems Fall Can you hear Sony grinding its teeth?
  8. W

    Gears of War 2 Recruiting!

    Hello good people, My name is Ben and I am the Battle Operations Captain for the Gears of War section, It is my duty to organize Gamenights, GB Matches, Tournaments, Events and Recruit. Warrior Nation is in need of Gears of War players, You don't have to have Gears 2, but the section...