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  1. V

    CMAK/CMBB opponents wanted

    Opponent waned small/medium battle CM2 Anyone who wants to play a small to medium battle of Combat Mission 2, please let me know! Vas
  2. V

    Battlefleet Knife-Fight

    Lol, a very interesting fight, that one, must have been a hell of an early morning!
  3. V

    Fall of Port Arthur, breakout of Russian Squadron

    Wow, that was indeed impressive! A Rep point well earned.
  4. V

    WinSPMBT - RPG - Test Scenario!

    Turn 7 Vas heard a short burst, and immediately rushed up the hill to his partner. As he reached the crest, he heard another discharge of the rifle, and immediately saw the bullets impacting on a prone body down in the bushes. Skirmisher was meanwhile taking up a position in between the...
  5. V

    WinSPMBT - RPG - Test Scenario!

    Turn 6 Damn, they were discovered. The gang-members must have unfortunately found their tracks - unfortunately for them because now they were discovered, unfortunately for the gangsters because one lay in the undergrowth with a gaping hole in his chest, and one was burning away behind the...
  6. V

    WinSPMBT - RPG - Test Scenario!

    Turn 5 The sound of the engine could easily be heard through the calm of the forest. He could sense the uneasiness in his partner, and Vas himself felt exposed. Ahead of them stretched an open plain with hardly any cover in sight, and if they were discovered there, then it would ll be over...
  7. V

    WinSPMBT - RPG - Test Scenario!

    Turn 4 Skirmisher's proposal to rest was heartily taken up by Vas, for he was weary from the constant movement through the thick foliage, and his eyes hurt from overuse of the night-sight. Unfortunately, it seemed that a mere minute had passed before Skirmish ordered a move-out, and Fury...
  8. V

    WinSPMBT - RPG - Test Scenario!

    Turn 3 Vas's eyes stung with precipitation for he could now hear some sort of engine coming from the direction of the crash site, and he could see a vague outline of a shape moving through the hardly visible forest track they passed earlier. He resisted the urge to engage him at long range...
  9. V

    WinSPMBT - RPG - Test Scenario!

    Turn 2 The movement through thick undergrowth was beginning to tire Vas out. His eyes hurt from the night vision goggles, but they were the only means of seing his way in the ever-present darkness, and also the only means of not loosing his partner. Skirmisher was kneeling ahead scanning the...
  10. V

    WinSPMBT - RPG - Test Scenario!

    Turn 1 Sergeant Vas Fury was an experienced soldier, and his intuition told him that the current situation was no mere accident. He felt like a lab rat, under observation of some dominating entity. He felt watched. He felt an ever-present analytical gaze drilling into the top of his head, and...