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  1. P

    RB SASL VotG SASL style

    Hi, some time ago I made a Red Barricades SASL version following the VotG SASL format. There are rules to play CGI to CGIV and a couple of new missions. Everything were playtested by other SASL players and should work well. Here is a link to download the files: Red Barricades SASL
  2. P

    Blood Reef: Tarawa SASL Update

    Hi, It's been a while but this project is done. You can download it for free using this link: Blood Reef:Tarawa SASL
  3. P

    Blood Reef: Tarawa SASL Update

    Hi, the playtesters has done a great job and I have put together a new version for them from their response. There are still room for some new testers if you are interested to help out. Jorgen
  4. P

    New members introduce yourself here

    GSASL stands for "Group Solitaire Advanced Squad Leader" and is a way of playing SASL where you follow a divisions campaign at a theatre of operation. The division is divided into regiments, battalions and companies with a command structure. You will recieve orders at company level and perform...
  5. P

    New members introduce yourself here

    Hi, My name is Jorgen. I'm from Sweden and I am a veteran ASLer. Started out in the early 80s with SL and swithched to ASL 1991 and haven't regreted it once. Fell in love with SASL when it was released and have been a keen GSASLer since Rick Lubben gave it new life in 1998. I found this...