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  1. R

    JAVA 3 - Tauroggen - Question

    Thanks to you both! This is what I assumed, but just wanted to make sure. Setup is so huge it would’ve been a pity to make a mistake in assumptions :)
  2. R

    JAVA 3 - Tauroggen - Question

    Hello, my opponent and I wanted to verify setup instructions for the Soviets. Special Rules 8 says: ”The Soviets secretly designate and setup/enter as follows: - Choose and set up fortifications on map;” (Italics my emphasis) I just want to verify that this does not mean Fortifications (e.g...
  3. R

    2019 Texas Team Tournament, June 20-23, Austin, TX

    Haha! Thanks for the callout Roy! This year you better know you're gonna need to bring a water pistol to our ASL pillow fight. I've been super busy practicing putting a Pin on my Flames, generating Gusts with no SMOKE on the board, and swallowing enough frogs to get that "umlaut"-sound over...
  4. R

    BU usage for "remotely-controlled" AAMG

    A strict reading of the daggered-note for US Vehicle Note 7 M3 Medium Tank implies that its the AAMG mounted in the turreted cupola (operated like a remote controlled AAMG) can only be used in CC (against non-Aerial targets). With reference to "remotely controlled AAMGs" as found in note O of...
  5. R

    End RtPh ADJACENT to broken KEU?

    Hello JR, thanks for the clarification. The additional context does indeed help, and I am not sure I had read it this way before. To paraphrase, the presence of the ADJACENT KEU in the 10.51 quote converts a MUST into a MAY when considering whether the routing unit stops upon reaching woods or...
  6. R

    End RtPh ADJACENT to broken KEU?

    My opponent and I were in the last half turn of our scenario. His attacking USMC had finished their portion of the RtPh. I, as the defending IJA, was considering Voluntarily Routing the crew in PP18. (To understand why, if the crew remained alive, it would deny the USMC player enough CVP to...
  7. R

    VASL Para Drop/Glider League 2017-2018 in progress

    Good game, great opponent. Kudos to John. This was a fun year in the league.
  8. R

    Berserker with DC charging AFV

    Indeed, we played this incorrectly, my opponent rolled for the PAATC the moment he entered the Location ADJACENT to the AFV. Ah, I see now why I got confused on this (esp bolded portion in my post above). The "even if newly berserk" follows the result of the Placement MF expenditure, then...
  9. R

    Berserker with DC charging AFV

    Should have mentioned the PAATC, yes it was taken. According to my understanding, despite Assault Movement being one hex, the expenditures for the move into the ADJACENT Location and for the Placement itself are separate 1MF expenditures. The shot happened on the first. So the unit went...
  10. R

    Berserker with DC charging AFV

    Hello, a Russian unit is in a woods hex two hexes away from a German AFV. The AFV's hex and intervening hex are both Open Ground. The unit possesses a DC. Its owner announces that the unit will use Assault Movement to enter the ADJACENT hex (1 MF) and then attempt to Place the DC on the...
  11. R

    Pillbox/Bamboo: Adv vs Difficult Terrain?

    Thanks! In the interim, I've found the article in the new Special Ops is especially instructive in this regard. I think, however, part of our confusion was that we were doing the lookup on the fly during the scenario. Seems clear now that we should've remembered the A4.7 verbiage as mentioned...
  12. R

    Pillbox/Bamboo: Adv vs Difficult Terrain?

    Hi JR, thanks. That confirms our assumption. But, what gave me pause was the difference between MPh and APh. In MPh, the unit would Minimum Move in and, because they would become Pinned, couldn't also enter the Pillbox. But, with Adv vs Difficult Terrain we weren't sure that one couldn't claim...
  13. R

    Pillbox/Bamboo: Adv vs Difficult Terrain?

    A bamboo hex contains a pillbox. May an ADJACENT Unit, in Advance Phase, use Advance vs Difficult Terrain to advance into the pillbox in the bamboo, or just the bamboo only? Thanks in advance.
  14. R

    VASL Para Drop/Glider League 2017-2018 in progress

    Carl, Mike Augustine and I have settled on a playing of BFP-39 Langoan Airfield. I'll be defending as the Dutch.
  15. R

    VASL Night League 2017-2018 in Progress

    Carl, Randy Strader's Germans defeated Ed Barnes' Russians in VotG25 Urban Nightmare. Ed's dice did him no favors, and followed him to both of our gaming sessions. Nonetheless, a fun scenario. I posted the result to ROAR.
  16. R

    VASL Para Drop/Glider League 2017-2018 in progress

    Carl, Nate Stapf's Germans defeated Randy Strader's Americans in 201. The Americans lost an entire wing on the descent, making it tough. But, the scenario was fun to play. I posted the result to ROAR.
  17. R

    Thanks Ray. I think I am probably going to go as well. Will likely book into the Residence Inn...

    Thanks Ray. I think I am probably going to go as well. Will likely book into the Residence Inn across the street on points, and have Jamey Cribbs and Jeff Toreki as potentials to split the room. Looking forward to a lot of BCS and GMT Games.
  18. R

    Where did you buy your Red Barricades at?

    Nan's Games and Comics Houston, Texas
  19. R

    Festung Budapest release

    It took about 1.5 days for my order to go from Processing to Packing to Shipping.