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  1. V

    graphic bug

    edited: the bug appeared on turn 45 i attached a sal file so that you can look at where units are etc.. to see what caused the bug. Actually i can't attach turn 45 because it's too large while i was able to attach turn 44 :mad: those who are interested by the file should post their...
  2. V

    graphic bug

    standard ones sir. i don't see any special graphic set for EA. I have sent a sal file to Veers, i can send it to anyone who's interested in solving this bug. I've yet to find on which turn it appeared. I'll post as soon as i find it. Goliath, i have never seen this when playing cow...
  3. V

    graphic bug

    yes sir, i will send it to you. what's your email again?
  4. V

    graphic bug

    Has anyone seen that before and knows how to solve that?
  5. V

    looking for an opponent

    that's good i can set up the game if you want which side do you want? 1942 for the year, combined arms 2000 points if you're ok my email is viridomaros at hotmail dot com what's yours?
  6. V

    looking for an opponent

    CMBB or CMAK, quick battle not too many points. Either side will be ok. PBEM
  7. V


    did you get my first turn wolf?
  8. V


  9. V


    have you found an opponent yet?
  10. V

    The May 1940 Campaign Scenario design

    Faut installer le logiciel, ferai ca demain.
  11. V

    The May 1940 Campaign Scenario design

    then it would work with google earth as well, i just have to adjust the zoom to the correct level before printing the screen. I'll have a look at that tomorrow. I will also have a look at your IGN portal JL though i hope it's free
  12. V

    The May 1940 Campaign Scenario design

    Re: 1940 Map of France + Benelux 2,5 km/hex wasn't thinking about that though it's a great idea. What i was doing so far was to use the ruler to determine the distances between different points then draw hexes. Of course your method is a better way to do things. Have you tried to...
  13. V

    Scratching the itch...

    email sent
  14. V

    The May 1940 Campaign Scenario design

    Re: 1940 Map of France + Benelux 2,5 km/hex you can change the name of the thread. AS anyone tried using google earth to create a map yet? i'm talking about map boundaries + overall landscape.
  15. V

    The May 1940 Campaign Scenario design

    Re: 1940 Map of France + Benelux 2,5 km/hex unfortunately it is impossible to make a map at 2,5 km/hex for france + benelux, i'll go with 5km/hex that will be huge enough in fact.
  16. V

    Braunschweig Fungwu vs Rasmus III (the thrilla in Stalingradilla)

    Yes sir I must say i got many early turn ending as the axis though my opponent did play well. He wiped out the lutwaffe with his artillery. I made the mistake to place the planes too close to the front. Operation wintergewitter is on its way though, Stalingrad is encircled but holding well...
  17. V

    The May 1940 Campaign Scenario design

    Re: 1940 Map of France + Benelux 2,5 km/hex working on the map i think i'm going to completely redraw it not that yours isn't good enough but TOAW is having problems when i want to enlrage the map on several sides.
  18. V

    The May 1940 Campaign Scenario design

    Re: 1940 Map of France + Benelux 2,5 km/hex It has always been on my to do list, though like a lot things it hasn't materialized yet. Anyone who's willing to help me on this is welcome.
  19. V

    The May 1940 Campaign Scenario design

    Re: 1940 Map of France + Benelux 2,5 km/hex Is there a way to copy cut your map into a bigger one that i'll complete after ? i don't see the canal linking Charleroi to Brussels on your map though it was built before 1914. Too small to be present on the map? Anyway it wouldn't change anything...
  20. V

    The May 1940 Campaign Scenario design

    Does anyone has this? I'd rather use an existing TOAW map if it does exist.