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  1. Tater

    Official Manila errata, aka The Manila Envelope

    What is the US HIP limit for the fortification table? Is there supposed to be a limit?
  2. Tater

    Pre-Game vehicle Abandonment

    Can vehicles be abandoned (and SW removed) before play starts? In particular the M3A1(a) Scout Car (SaF). Any rule and/or previous Q&A references would be appreciated.
  3. Tater

    3d6 DR

    Is there an extension or setting that would 3d6 DR to be added to the DR Panes and to display over map?
  4. Tater

    Motion Attempt, yeah...What about a Stop Attempt?

    I couldn't find anything there something buried in the rules which would allow a vehicle currently in Motion to make something like a "Motion Attempt", but would instead allow them to make a "Stop Attempt". Seems odd that you could attempt one and not the other, given that I think...
  5. Tater

    CH-W Korea / North Korean Deployment

    Makes sense...Thanks...
  6. Tater

    CH-W Korea / North Korean Deployment

    Elite NK squads are allowed to deploy. Is the 10% (at start) for deployment calculated based on only the squad equivalents capable of deploying...OR...on the total number of squad equivalents regardless of type? Example: NK OB has 20 SE total...10 of the SE are elite...can the NK deploy 2 SE or...
  7. Tater

    St Louis ASL Tournament - July 28-30, 2023

    Room, reg & T-shirt all booked!
  8. Tater

    Spreading Blaze 2023 - August 4th thru 6th

    Room is booked…reg on Thursday when I get there. Anyone want to arrange something Thursday afternoon? Myself and Greg Quiroga will be there…like some team action, T&Q vs the world. Open to anything scenario wise…😎
  9. Tater

    DZ:SME - Is it broken or are we?

    Huge hole...there have been several set-up, entry area and control holes in the rules so far. This may be the biggest. My guess is that the intention was always that the east/west entry for Americans required them to already control hexes/areas on the edge. For example, if they ran some units...
  10. Tater

    DZ:SME / Set-Up

    Another setup question... If the US player sets up 1 leader/SW on/south of SaV AND 2 leaders/SW with the glider troops. Can the rest of the leaders/SW set-up with the forces within 5 of NeV13 and/or forces setup on/between SaK and SaV?
  11. Tater


    Thanks all...
  12. Tater


    "2.11 PAVED ROADS & WALLS/BOCAGE: During the MPh/RtPh (only), wall/bocage hexsides in road hexes neither block same-level LOS (nor provide TEM) between units/wrecks/Cows-(3.2) in paved road hexes [EXC: Narrow Streets; B31.1], provided that LOS crosses only road hexsides (inclusive of vertices)...
  13. Tater

    DZ:SME / CGIII / CVP Modifier

    Is the CVP total in the following modifiers cumulative from scenario to scenario or is it just counted from just the preceding scenario? -1 Friendly side lost =/> 12 MMC CVP more than opponent -1 Friendly side lost =/> 25 MMC CVP more than opponent
  14. Tater

    DZ:SME / CGIII-2.5

    To reduce the CPP by 1 the German has to burn 10 shots by the 81mm mortar(s). Do shots in both Prep Fire AND Def Final Fire count towards the “10” shots? Or just Prep Fire.
  15. Tater

    SME American Ammo Shortage

    Do isolated units get ammo shortage in SME? I could find a reference in the CG rules.
  16. Tater

    DM:SME / Optional Armament

    Can either side roll for optional armament on vehicles. Didn't see anything but wanted to make sure.
  17. Tater

    Is slow play at events a common occurrence?

    Were the "slow play" rules posted ahead of time? Clearly detailed as to what would be considered "slow play"? Were the "slow play" rules in effect for the championship round? Respect is a two-way street. Publishing a clear definition and consequences would be respectful for the players.
  18. Tater

    Is slow play at events a common occurrence?

    FYI...having played competitive Chess for a decade in my youth...adjudication was not uncommon at Chess tourney's. So a clock is not a silver bullet.
  19. Tater

    Is slow play at events a common occurrence?

    On the contrary, I have witnessed players using "speedy" play as a weapon/tool. By hardly pausing even a fraction of a second while moving...forcing opponents to basically call a stop to be able to "play" ASL...trying to throw opponents off their game by playing as fast as possible and...
  20. Tater

    DZ:SME / CGIII VC Issue

    I think I found problem with the CGIII VC: "CG llI VICTORY CONDITIONS: Provided they Control building SaZ13 at the End (step 4.403) of every CG Date, the Americans win immediately upon exiting >/= 31 Exit VP [EXC: prisoners do not count, nor do units exited prior to III-8 Evening CG Date] off...