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  1. Actionjick

    Two Emplaced 81 mm mortars .......

    Obviously a play on one of my all-time favorite threads " 2 dm 81 mm mortars ". The picture from that thread is awesome. Something about it just grabs me.
  2. Actionjick

    Two Emplaced 81 mm mortars .......

    try to go into a bar but can't.
  3. Actionjick

    Emplaced 81mm Mtr

    And your point is? It's ASL after all.
  4. Actionjick

    MMP Roundtable 7 notes - February 2025

    Kinda cool I guess but never was really a fan of Optional rules.
  5. Actionjick

    MMP Roundtable 7 notes - February 2025

    Someone has to do it, might as well be you. I have been in that situation several times in my various jobs. Generally opinions contrary to the group think are not appreciated. One job insisted that I participate in the Safety Committee. I told them that wasn't a good idea as I would...
  6. Actionjick

    Shanghaid, the port for hijacked threads

    R. I.P. good buddy. Actiondebbie and I will do a shot and other refreshments in your memory and honor.
  7. Actionjick

    Dad's Army scenario

    Maybe Britbox.
  8. Actionjick

    MMP Roundtable 7 notes - February 2025

    Space Guards Counterattack is a great scenario!😉
  9. Actionjick

    MMP Roundtable 7 notes - February 2025

    Does seem rather ambitious.
  10. Actionjick

    MMP Roundtable 7 notes - February 2025

    Yes that came to mind. Those were the good old days. That was fun!
  11. Actionjick

    Dear Skulky: The ASL Advice Column

    Dear Skulky, We have a rather robust group of twelve gamers who meet biweekly to play ASL or whatever game someone wants to play. It is a very relaxed event with no real rules. A couple of meetings ago two of the players got into a dispute. It wasn't about the game they were playing but their...
  12. Actionjick

    MMP Roundtable 7 notes - February 2025

    The double blind sounds like great fun! I'm also not sure how the RPG would work but it sounds interesting.
  13. Actionjick


    There is a world of difference between lying and prevarication in the interest of self preservation. Skulky
  14. Actionjick

    Advanced Squad Leader Hall of Fame

    Q. Are we not gamers? A. We are geekos!
  15. Actionjick

    When is enough ASL enough for you?

    And I've always liked his avatar.
  16. Actionjick

    When is enough ASL enough for you?

    Helluva gamer and very good at astrophotography. A true Renaissance man.
  17. Actionjick

    True life story

    I tear up laughing every time I read this!
  18. Actionjick

    Advanced Squad Leader Hall of Fame

    Perhaps not dead but ASL would certainly not be as vibrant and convenient without VASL. He gets my vote though without hesitation.
  19. Actionjick

    Looking for the Hive Mind collective consensus

    How players are paired should depend on the objective of the event. If the TD is trying to determine a " Champion " or best player the weakest should be paired against the strongest in each round. If the event is more free form and the TD just wants people to play then ratings shouldn't matter...
  20. Actionjick

    Looking for the Hive Mind collective consensus

    Anytime you get the opportunity to play one of the really good players take it. I was fortunate enough to have one of the best as my main opponent. My game improved immensely. Not great but much better than I was. While you are getting your butt kicked pay attention to how the kicking...