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  1. Jplott94

    Dispatch #59 Update

    Yet another stellar DftB release coming up?? Christmas twice a year! Thanks guys!!
  2. Jplott94

    Journal 15

    For those wishing for a reference graphic to view while reading Jonathan Kay's excellent J15 article "De Haut En Bas" (Up and Down) on tracing LOS between different vertical levels in ASL, here is my attempt to replicate it. 3.7.14/6.6.9
  3. Jplott94

    Atlanta ASL Tourney June 5th thru 8th - Spreading Blaze 2025

    Hope to see you there! Thanks for the info!
  4. Jplott94

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    Arnhem 2024 and LFT From the Cellar 13
  5. Jplott94

    Question on VASL Terrain Transformation

    Many thanks Tuomo! It worked like a champ! Jon
  6. Jplott94

    Question on VASL Terrain Transformation

    Folks- Many thanks for the info and effort. Believe I have found a workable "field expedient" solution. In the attached .jpg, Hill 547 is outlined in red, and constructed by using draggable overlays from VASL. The contour lines of the original hill are not precisely followed, but believe it...
  7. Jplott94

    Question on VASL Terrain Transformation

    As already pointed out, I scraped it from ASL Scenario Archive. Needed to have some idea what the finished product looked like, so I went to the one resource that I knew had representations of specific scenario map boards. Many thanks for the tips!
  8. Jplott94

    Question on VASL Terrain Transformation

    Ran into a problem setting up my game map for ASL Scenario U5 Point D'Appui, from the scenario pack "A GI's Dozen". The SSR requires two of the hills on Board 3 (522 and 534) to be treated as ground level woods. I found the VASL Terrain Transformations menu allowing me to do a global...
  9. Jplott94

    Do You Clip Your VASL Counters and Obsess Over Their Storage?

    Never crossed my mind. All I can do to clip the counters I use for FTF games...
  10. Jplott94

    A Cat...

    One word...VASL. Then the only worry is the mouse.
  11. Jplott94

    Winter Offensive 2025

    This morning I noticed on the MMP website that they have published the details on WO. I have my admission and T-shirt already ordered! See you in Bowie this January! Winter Offensive : Multi-Man Publishing
  12. Jplott94

    Winter Offensive Hotel Rooms

    Many thanks or the update on the new date for WO and the hotel arrangements. Will any of these items be addressed on Curt's MMP Roundtable this afternoon at 4 PM EDT on Discord?
  13. Jplott94

    Estimate of pre-order for Ponyri?

    Curt will be holding an MMP Roundtable this Sunday at 4PM EDT on Discord if you want to know what the latest and greatest is. If you are unable to join live, Neal Ulen usually records the event and then posts it to his web site (Advanced Squad Leader -
  14. Jplott94

    MMP 2024 ASL Production Forecast released:

    Curt will be holding an MMP Roundtable this Sunday at 4PM EDT on Discord if you want to know what the latest and greatest is. If you are unable to join live, Neal Ulen usually records the event and then posts it to his web site (Advanced Squad Leader -
  15. Jplott94

    ASLOK XXXVIII - October 6th thru 13th, 2024

    Absolutely the right choice. I live near the airport in Asheville, and still have no power or drinkable water. Main house is OK, but the surrounding garages and sheds took a pounding. 50-60 trees down on my property...along with my planned attendance to ASLOK this year. Still blessed, no...
  16. Jplott94

    Doomed Battalions (4th Ed) Preorder from MMP

    My Doomed Battalions order is now processing! Order #41! An early Christmas gift!
  17. Jplott94

    Cardstock Scenarios

    Stew- The SK scenarios included in SpecOps #12 were numbered S95 and S96, but those numbers hade been used for prior scenarios. The next two "available" numbers are S102 and S103, and the assumption is that MMP will eventually renumber the scenarios included in the most recent magazine. That...
  18. Jplott94

    Doomed Battalions (4th Ed) Preorder from MMP

    Now that Thunder on the Mississippi is shipping to preorders, is it a safe assumption that DB4 will be next?
  19. Jplott94

    Special Ops Magazine #12 - Contains ASL Content

    Is it just me or is this the first time SpecOps included separate scenario cards in the packet instead of having the scenarios printed on pages within the magazine itself?
  20. Jplott94

    Pocket charts comparison

    Scott- did you laminate the charts yourself or have a company/service do it for you?