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  1. BattleSchool

    The new Ponyri thread.

    ASL ≤ 5.0 x 10^4 n, where n = MMP (Moneyed Motivated Patrons) We can quibble over the minimum value of n, but I don't believe age is part of the equation.
  2. BattleSchool

    May 16 to 18 2025 The Canadian ASL Open

    All aboard! See you in May!
  3. BattleSchool

    My games played at the 2025 Winter Offensive

    Looking out my window as I write, we're mid storm, with maybe 20cm (8") having fallen in the last eleven hours. Another 20 cm forecasted today. The drive to Bowie, MD only slightly shorter than from Montreal, which is apparently over 9.5 hours. The drive from Hamilton is 45 minutes less, but...
  4. BattleSchool

    May 16 to 18 2025 The Canadian ASL Open

    Back in Black - The CASLO Returns Scenario list up on CASLA site too!
  5. BattleSchool

    Board 10z Hexes S3 and T2

    Got word back from George Kelln today. And while he acknowledged the confusion, he doesn't recall it coming up during play testing. The board has been used in ten scenarios to date. George designed four of them. Had there been disagreements over the identity of these hexes, they ought to have...
  6. BattleSchool

    Board 10z Hexes S3 and T2

    Could do. (He's travelling at the moment.) That might solve the more immediate question. However, it wouldn't hurt to know for certain what these hexes are supposed to represent. Having dug out my hard copy of the board, I agree that the artwork resembles buildings more than it does lumber.
  7. BattleSchool

    J223 "Latecomers", go home !

    Was looking for something else today and stumbled upon what appears to be the mystery action portrayed in "Latecomers" and "Back Stab." Looks like the 4ª Compagnia Carri was stationed in the Cesana Torinese area in 1940. An indeterminate number of FIAT 3000 Modello 1921 (L5/21 and/or L5/30 in...
  8. BattleSchool

    Board 10z Hexes S3 and T2

    If, as I suspect, the author, if not the artist, of this terrain curiosity is Steve Pleva (post 87, overlay N), perhaps he could chime in. Or was this the result of Repetti's artistic flair when he created what was originally a BSO (board-specific overlay) in a contest he ran in 2012? Or is...
  9. BattleSchool

    Board 10z Hexes S3 and T2

    Perhaps. However, the board is used in a scenario we're looking at including in the Canadian ASL Open in May. Lumberyards aren't Rally Terrain, for instance. And they differ from buildings in other ways allowing, for example, mortars to be fired from them. In order to preempt disputes during...
  10. BattleSchool

    Board 10z Hexes S3 and T2

    I agree that on the physical board these are clearly buildings. Each hex contains a small wooden building and a number of structures that look like something Anh Bushcraft made. To Steve's point:
  11. BattleSchool

    Board 10z Hexes S3 and T2

    Is there any consensus on what these hexes are? They look like a mix of hut and lumberyard artwork. I suspect they're intended to be the latter, but that's far from clear. TIA
  12. BattleSchool

    Broken Ground Design Thread

    Me thinks you're barking up the wrong tree. I don't pretend to speak for Alan, but I think his map is intended to meld with existing Stalingrad maps. Perhaps a better ask would be whether Alan could repaint all Stalingrad maps in something less fishy.
  13. BattleSchool

    Broken Ground Design Thread

    Looks broken.
  14. BattleSchool

    Slaughter at Ponyri on MMP Website

    Same question I posed in other Ponyri thread, anyone know what size box this will be sold in? I like the mommy-bear box DB4 came in, and would prefer it over the papa bear box used for TotR.
  15. BattleSchool

    Estimate of pre-order for Ponyri?

    Any idea what size box this will come in? Based on components, I'm thinking either same size the DB4 box or the TotR box. Or will it be sold in a VotG sized box?
  16. BattleSchool

    Playtesters Wanted!

    Dinner is served! Chop Suey!—awful offal, assorted pieces—now on Sitrep! A Chinese delicacy with a storied history dating back centuries ain’t what I’m on about. Join the playtest crew today! ------------------- Links to related posts can be found on the Close Combat page of Sitrep.
  17. BattleSchool

    E1.13 Zero NVR and E1.53 Straying

    My thinking was that the unconcealed unit would become known the moment the Stray Mover attempted to enter the enemy Location, and therefore would be forced back, as you said. I'm less certain about the outcome when the enemy unit is concealed. I think it would become TI, as you said, but only...
  18. BattleSchool

    E1.13 Zero NVR and E1.53 Straying

    You are of course correct. I was imprecise. I should have said unconcealed, not KEU.
  19. BattleSchool

    E1.13 Zero NVR and E1.53 Straying

    1. If NVR is zero, would a Straying Mover* have to enter a Location containing a KEU (that it cannot see)? 2. Would the answer be any different if the enemy unit was concealed? 3. If the Stray Mover has to enter a Location containing a concealed enemy unit and that enemy doesn't attack it...
  20. BattleSchool

    J157 Rage Against the Machine AAR

    Agree on both points. Solid scenario that I've played several times. Stephen likewise solid. I recall the beating my Italians took in AP21 Red Don. Despite a few early setbacks, Stephen's Reds just kept grinding forward. Can't say I'd fair any better against him almost 18 years later. I...