Search results

  1. lluis61

    When is enough ASL enough for you?

    Nowadays, I'm buying new stuff by inertia, but I'not specially enthusiastic about new stuff; I'm sure that I will never play any of FWK (and probably the same applies to Arab-Israeli wars); no offence to the effort put into it, but simply doesn't appeals me. I'm in the minority range here, but I...
  2. lluis61

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    Just arrived: Schwerpunkt #24 and Rally Point #21
  3. lluis61

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    Just arrived from LCP: Quick 6 VII
  4. lluis61

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    Just arrived: Doomed Battalions 4th, Special Ops 12 and Arnhem 2024.
  5. lluis61

    Its a Dozer Kinda Thing

    That's relative. Compared to PzKw VI II, yes; compared to PzKw IV in all its versions (in 1944), no. Or against Stug III and IV, again no. It's true, we have Goliath counters, but note that these Sherdozers would be limited to engineers company in the Tank division, not in front line (or to be...
  6. lluis61

    Its a Dozer Kinda Thing

    Yes. It was titled "The Fighting Seabees". And, as an aside, I always admire the US ability to make nicknames from acronyms: CB (Construction Battalions) = Seabees.
  7. lluis61

    Its a Dozer Kinda Thing

    I'm just reading Steven Zaloga's US Battle Tanks 1917-1945 (Osprey), and he says: "The most widely used and successful counter-obstacle tank was the M1 dozer. Although originally developed on a 1942 engineer requirement, there was some confusion over whether it was primarily intended for mine...
  8. lluis61

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    I receive at my workplace. And my postie and me been developing a friendly relationship. I think it is because I have no complaints, I pay my customs dues without arguments and with the exact amount of cash, and, of course, because (in this case) hers is one of the most valued jobs in the...
  9. lluis61

    MMP Roundtable notes - October 2024

    I agree. I've lost my ASL collection, and it's been hard in money and time to get reconstructed at full nowadays. I don't need any variants (unless standard, SK, DASL) for the system. If MMP does that, I think that they will enter in the terrain of other TTP that does "variant" counters as...
  10. lluis61

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    The Wargame Vault packs of ASL and SKASL scenarios. I haven't got the issues 1-6 so I congratulate on this inititiave from MMP. Also, the March Madness 2024 Scenario Pack in PDF from ASL Scenario Archive (but beware that the pack needs to be corrected as the text scenarios are cut in the right...
  11. lluis61

    Grudge Rules as Tournament Rules

    How long the nail? How hard you scratched the foil? And, above all: Why you treat your dice that way? And do you with all your dice?
  12. lluis61

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    Just arrived: BFP's Bitterest Day
  13. lluis61

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    Just received Dispatches from the Bunker #58
  14. lluis61

    Operation Biting

    Interesting. Very interesting. First of all, the terrain is very similar to that I've seen in articles about this operation... But, a question: Why the German player would choose enter their reinforcement groups so late as turn 6 or 7? (I know, I know: there are more and better reinforcements as...
  15. lluis61

    Blank Hex paper

    Is this what you are looking for? White Map Board | GameSquad Forums
  16. lluis61

    Kakazu Ridge Cave Complex Cloaking Sheet

    It seems what it downloads is issue 14 of Paddington Bears newsletter Rate of Fire (???)
  17. lluis61

    Waffen SS counter sheets

    I would stick to blue counters, too. But if you want them in black, Broken Ground makes them and are in stock: BGD- Waffen SS
  18. lluis61

    Desperation Morale updated!

    @Pitman i.e. Mark Pitcavage, has updated his fine webpage commenting ASL releases till 2024! Check it at INTRODUCTION — Desperation Morale
  19. lluis61

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    Just arrived: Red Volga map extensions.
  20. lluis61

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    You were forewarned... ;)