Hey all, I'm looking for a regular game of ASL. I live in Pearl City. I havent layed in about 5 years, but I have most of the stuff. Anyone interested?
As usual, I'm playing Here I Stand PBEM. I'm also in an Empires in Arms PBEM game and in a week or two will be starting Europa Universalis. As well as playing a bit of Civ V.
It's all by PBEM, but I'm playing Here I Stand, Empires in Arms and will soon be starting up Europa Universalis. This is why I like ASL campaigns. (Starting up Ozerekya Breakout on Wednesday, with my setup on Monday.)
Hey guys,
I just went to the ROAR website http://www.jrvdev.com/ROAR/VER1/default.asp . It seems like the last reports I see listed there are from 2009. What's up with that? Has the site not been updated or am I just screwing something up?