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  1. T

    AP206 Jungle Rats

    Thank you!
  2. T

    AP206 Jungle Rats

    Is the Japanese setup, on or east of hexrow D correct or should perhaps be something else now that the entry is changed?
  3. T

    Tank Hunter Heroes...

    Martin, your interpretation of the rule is correct. If he survives the Defensive fire he can enter the target hex in the Advance phase per the rule.
  4. T

    Cannot establish connection to VASL server

    uckelman 7m Our hosting provider had a connectivity problem earlier today. Everything should be reachable again now. Might have been the issue
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    VASL preferred audio communication app

    I like Skype, as most of my opponents use it, but Discord is good as well
  6. T

    Clean up the Vehicle Menu?

    I kinda like it the way it is.
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    ASLOK 2023 update.

    plenty of room for new players. You will have a blast. Plus I think there is a player who lives in Streetsboro who was at last years Aslok
  8. T

    ASL Updates from Peter on CSW 8/15

    MMP was playtesting it at this years WO. I think it follows a Polish unit throughout WWII. Looks to have a historical map from 1939 plus Geoboard scenarios covering the rest of the war. I'm sure Perry will be along later to correct me:)
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    ASL Updates from Peter on CSW 8/15

    I want Twilight of the Reich!!!! Bump that up in the production line!!!
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    ASLOK 2023 Releases?

    Can you access the WBC vendor booths for free?
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    CG Map sizes

    For FB there was/is a four map CG that was being playtested. I think the CG designer is busy with another ASL project right now. Perhaps down the road.
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    Squad Leader Licensed by Hasbro

    Renegade Games has removed SL from the original press release.
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    Michael R's ASLOK 2022 games

    Great seeing and playing you Michael. Especially enjoyed the 'Maple Taste Test'.
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    ASLOK XXXVI - October 2nd-9th, 2022

    Bummer no Andy or Jeff. Was looking forward to sharing some vino with you guys.
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    New ASL Products at ASLOK?

    New Journal would be nice.
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    ASLOK XXXVI - October 2nd-9th, 2022

    If you don't mind a short drive there are a few hotels in North Olmsted at the Great Northern interchange that aren't too bad. Your about 10 minutes away. All freeway.
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    Crucible of Steel ATMM

    Why have the rule if you can’t use it in the module? None of the scenarios are set in 1944.
  18. T

    Crucible of Steel ATMM

    The COS HBR's allow you to use ATMM in the COS scenarios. The COS Rule above references that.
  19. T

    Crucible of Steel ATMM

    Crucible of steel battle rules. Under german