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    I don't think it is well known it exists. I found it accidently awhile back. Market it! :)
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    French FT?

    Of Course you are :wink wink: :wink: But to answer the question, I don't think I have seen a Freedom FT in my counters either.
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    French FT?

    I would rather call it "Freedom Flame Thrower"
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    Why Don't ASLers Play Other Wargames?

    Hey Mark! In my opinion I disagree with this, if I understand what your trying to say. For decades Avalon Hill produced, supported and were the mainstream wargaming industry leader, (IMO). You couldn't go into a hobby store without seeing their wargames readily stocked on the shelves...
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    VASL Dicebot silliness

    After further research...... I then decompiled VASL4 and found within the DiceButton.class the following code snip.... protected void DR() { String s = getReportPrefix(); int i = 0; for(int j = 0; j < nDice; j++) { int k =...
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    VASL Dicebot silliness

    Your first instance of 3, 3s in a row were 1:216 chance.. probable. Your second instance of 4 , 2s in a row were 1:1296 chance... probable. But, I would classify this as skeptical. I personally cannot count the times I have had similar instances as this. But, hey.. there must be NOTHING...
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    MMP do not support ASL Questions

    I guess I don't understand Peter's concern. Perry stated, they were 'NOT UNOFFICIAL' which means, they are official?
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    Fair Dice

    nevermind.. mispost
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    Fair Dice

    What Stevedeth has showed is exactly what Furax has suggested. Furax I also have been a victim of this typical behavior in VASL3/4.
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    Which direction for publishers

    Can we have a group hug? da Priest I will believe it when I see it :)
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    Which direction for publishers

    Oh come on, this is not a way to run a business. If my software company ran business like that we would be out of business so fast we would be running to the un-employment line. Sure, this maybe a temp. patch, but what is the final solution? The core to any product is from the company, not...
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    Which direction for publishers

    I love this topic already.... Well, My personal opinion is Rule Book , Rule Book , Rule Book, needs to be totally available 97% of the time for anyone who wants to get involved in ASL. There are many who I feel would love to play, but are turned off when then find out the Rule Book and first...
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    ASL Play Aids

    Hehe, I learned the hard way about frigid streams. A voice of reason set me straight. *CoughsBruce*
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    Tarawa CGs- Which One?

    Here is a link for a number of 'cheat sheets' or various charts... Also notice the Sniper cards and OBA cards.. very neato stuff
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    Big Brother is watching!

    I see that BrianY and Kdalton have recently joined the ASL Forum. I applaud the ASL Forum for attracting them! I remember reading a post from the ASML where Brian Y stated and encouraging the use of other third party ASL forums.. but he will only read the ASLML. :Snickers: Good to see ya MMP!
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    BRT4 Errata or Q&A...

    Another follow up from MMP. I was much happier with this response :D
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    Tarawa CGs- Which One?

    In My Opinion. What makes the CG Tarawa so attractible is the beach landing. There are not many scenarios out there that emulate a beach landing, but there are a ton of scenarios that emulate after the landing.
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    Sweet, I will order when paypal is up and running.. :)
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    BRT4 Errata or Q&A...

    Heh, not to cause any kind of WAR,, but I sent the question to MMP.. here is the response I got. Below is the question I sent... Below is the MMP response.
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    maps - your comments welcome

    Hey Don, This is Matt Ozvat, if you remember the blonde hair guy that played at Jim Aikens work, that is me :) I am jealous to not being able to see the pre-work as you have been doing! I think I will move back to Southern Cal. I plan on being at ASLOK this year. cya there hopefully with...