As the server seems to be Apache, the change would likely amount to replacing in the config the existing virtual host section for port 80 with this:
<VirtualHost *:80>
Redirect permanent /
Given that it's an Apache server (which I can see from the HTTP headers), it's likely to be replacing the config for the virtual host for port 80 with this:
<VirtualHost *:80>
Redirect permanent /
This is why I've been...
It's 2025 and we're still waiting for HTTP redirecting to HTTPS, with no explanation for why this hasn't been done.
Please, please, please can the site owners address this simple issue so that the site works properly with modern browsers.
Who did you talk to about the issue and the work you did? This is the first I'm hearing about it. I can't be responsive if I don't know the issue exists or anyone is working on it.
That said, I no longer go looking for problems with V3. I don't want that to eat time I'd rather put toward V4. If...
VASSAL 3.7.15 Released
Release notes:
Changes since 3.7.14
Bug fixes
13558: Update logback configuration to prevent messages to console
Other improvements...
Do you mean that you're going to reuse the version number? That's a recipe for confusion. Please, please make the fix 6.6.10 so that no one ever has to ask "Which 6.6.9 are you using?"
A major contributing factor to the board selection combo box being unresponsive is that BoardVersionChecker.updateBoard() is being run on the EDT, so blocks the UI. Better would be to run that as a background task which then posts an update task to the EDT on completion.
The first thing to do to isolate the problem is to make a test module to see if you can reproduce the problem there. If you can, that suggests that the problem is in Vassal instead of VASL.
The analysis I did was on 40MB of raw RNG output. You could use that to roll 2d6 55 million times or treat it as 330 million coin flips. It makes no difference which you do for statistical tests---if something is wrong, it will show up either way.