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  1. Allegedlycaleb

    ASL license plates

    While on the freeway in SoCal, I saw someone with an ASL sticker on the back of their Prius! Their license may have been ASL related, but I don't want to give away the plate info of a stranger!
  2. Allegedlycaleb

    SPG generation (Mission 7- Block Party)

    That's the beauty of SASL, you can change things if you want. For example, when using the Germans in 1939 against Poland, I rolled a block party mission. The Germans don't have any official SPGs that early, but I know from my own reading that the early Pz IV's (especially the short barreled...
  3. Allegedlycaleb

    Journeys in SASL

    I enjoyed the AAR. Those bridgehead missions are one of my favorites, they can be really challenging at times!
  4. Allegedlycaleb

    Either/Or Game

    Engineer platoon. T-35 or Char B-2
  5. Allegedlycaleb

    The A-Z of ASL and WWII

    Infanteriegeschütz 18 (IG18)
  6. Allegedlycaleb

    Getting Better

    I’d imagine that similar principles apply to ASL as to anything else you are trying to get better at: 1. Practice frequently (play lots of scenarios of different types and against many different people) 2. Learn from yourself and others (via articles, aar’s, conversations, and detailed game...
  7. Allegedlycaleb

    Premature Capitulation or What the Heck are You Thinking?

    I’ll usually surrender only if the scenario is impossible to win. Otherwise, I’ll usually stick it to the end. I used to think that I was being inconsiderate to my opponent by not throwing in the towel when it seemed clear that I was going to lose. Now I’ve realized that 90+% of the time they...
  8. Allegedlycaleb


    One thing is for sure, this ruleset really elevates the amount of roleplaying you can do which I love.
  9. Allegedlycaleb

    Today in ASL I ... (Day to day ASL doings)

    I started an SASL campaign where I've personalized the leaders and named my best rolled leader after my dad, who served overseas and was KIA while on deployment many years ago. On the second turn of my first mission, him and the squad he was with triggered a suspect counter and revealed a 12...
  10. Allegedlycaleb


    One thing I remember really liking is the different type of suspect placement rules.
  11. Allegedlycaleb


    I've tried it before and found it more engaging and challenging, but the pace of play went a lot slower because of the increased complexity. I also wish there were more situations, which Andrea said they were working on, but it's been a while. If you are playing a 1939 - 1945, you will be...
  12. Allegedlycaleb

    I'm Caleb, its nice to meet you!

    Thanks for the info fenyan, I'll have to come to a session one of these weekends! I bought Poland in Flames so I'd have access to the scenarios, and I just play them on Vassal with the mod that adds the specialty PIF units. I also found some custom made Poland sasl charts with the PIF units so...
  13. Allegedlycaleb

    I'm Caleb, its nice to meet you!

    Hi dlazov, Thanks! I've actually been reading through your 194 IR, 71 ID SASL campaign game AAR and have been mightily entertained by it thus far. I'm thinking I might make my own campaign game AAR thanks to you. Also, I have to say that I love your signature.
  14. Allegedlycaleb

    I'm Caleb, its nice to meet you!

    Hi fenyan, thanks for letting me know about the socalasl club. I live around the Noho area, and 2 of the locations that the club plays at are relatively near me. How do materials work for the club? I mostly play off of vassal and have only bought the full rulebook, SASL, the first 3 ASLSKs, and...
  15. Allegedlycaleb

    I'm Caleb, its nice to meet you!

    Hello all, My name is Caleb, and I am a 25 year old from the sunny city of Los Angeles, California. I am an HR professional who enjoys wargaming in my free time when I am not with my fiancé. My favorite wargame is Advanced Squad Leader (mostly SASL), and currently I am working on a Polish...
  16. Allegedlycaleb

    Books: What are you currently reading?

    Breakout at Stalingrad by Heinrich Gerlach. I'm 3 quarters way through it and it is a really interesting book written by someone who was trapped with the German 6th Army in Stalingrad. I believe the actual narrative is historical fiction, but much of it was pulled from the author's actual...