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  1. Blaze

    Control & Huts

    Thanks Scott, I totally missed that. Call me Mr. Magoo... Control of a Collapsed hut counts toward hut/building Control Victory Conditions [EXC: A26.16 applies if the hut is Ablaze], as will Control of its hex if it has been eliminated (5.7).
  2. Blaze

    Control & Huts

    Huts are buildings unless collapsed. I need to take control of 3 of 6 buildings in a perimeter. Prior to gaining control, 4 of them become collapsed. Does this mean there is no way to fulfill that particular Victory Condition? After gaining control, the hut collapses. Does the fulfilment of...
  3. Blaze

    Advanced Squad Leader Hall of Fame

    And only played on the "Island of misfit toys"
  4. Blaze

    Advanced Squad Leader Hall of Fame

    Hehe. Jim, I do play some games on VASL. Jeff and I are doing all the Burma APs chronological. A turn here, a turn there. When we get together, we'll transfer the scenario out and finish it FTF. But needless to say, VASL isn't cat proof either: EVIDENCE EXHIBIT 1A:
  5. Blaze

    Advanced Squad Leader Hall of Fame

    Rodney Kinney should be in there. If not for VASL, this hobby would be dead. Coming from me, an almost exclusive FTF player this should tell ya somthin'
  6. Blaze

    When is enough ASL enough for you?

    AS for the HASL it all depends. Red barricades I played over and over enough that my original one wore out. Manila on the other hand has not seen the table at all. I'm not so sure I want any more HASL games because of the counter bloat. Core games aren't so "CORE" when you need a gazillion...
  7. Blaze

    Spec Op's Lysyanka Mini HASL thoughts?

    Jim, that is unfortunate... Even with the decade long hiatus, I think I have managed 3 to 4 from every core game, AP, WO, Journal, and other official MMP scenario pack. Not so much on the HASL's as I'd like. Oh great @%#$%^&@ Now I am depressed. Even Dr. Phil recommends 80% scenario completion...
  8. Blaze

    Spec Op's Lysyanka Mini HASL thoughts?

    How many did you actually play?
  9. Blaze

    Looking for the Hive Mind collective consensus

    Maybe someone should publish AC (Advanced Chess) "Say, my knight is going to bypass Queen's Bishop four" "Uhh, I'll take a snapshot at your Queen as it moves by my pawn on her way to capture my Rook"...
  10. Blaze

    When is enough ASL enough for you?

    More counter bloat. This is ridiculous now. But I'll grab it anyhow and punch only what is needed as it hits the table.
  11. Blaze

    Why do you buy Critical Hit products? (anonymous poll)

    I've had 2 bad purchase experiences with CH and lack of customer service. So I voted.with my feet and pocketbook. That said do not have an axe to grind. Free market in action! I simply moved on.
  12. Blaze

    Declare Attack/Idle over internet?

    The Honor system. It's been a while, but I've used the notes in VASL. But, unless playing for blood, I'll trust my opponent is an honest Joe. No need fire up Bletchley Park with a large staff of mathematicians, scientist, and pencil skirt ladies, to figure out my Attack/Idle chit!
  13. Blaze

    ASL commitment

    This was my ASL Gateway Game: How many 5th graders you see playing anything like this today?
  14. Blaze

    ASL commitment

    Ah, deflection tactics. "Honey don't worry about the guy I wasted it could be worse. Look at Ted Bundy." I really don't think that would work in my house. I don't/won't lie to my wife. However, I don't offer up any intel either. My ASL boxes are on a nice bookcase in her in home office. Maybe...
  15. Blaze

    Ardennes 80th year anniversary

    THE Jerseys should have "NUTZ" as a nod to Gen. McAuliffe! Army... Shall - Sink - Navy!
  16. Blaze

    ASL commitment

    ASL "commitment" If my wife ever truly knew the amount of money I have spent on boxes of paper and cardboard... She would have me commited to a mental institution...
  17. Blaze

    Do You Clip Your VASL Counters and Obsess Over Their Storage?

    Yeah, well, Luddite methods are very practical. When the ICBM's all go off and the EMP burst renders VASL inoperable. Well, you know where to go for AASL (Armageddon Advanced Squad Leader). Recent current events had me clean out Sam's Club of Tin Foil to make ASL suits and hats. AND!!! Once...
  18. Blaze

    Do You Clip Your VASL Counters and Obsess Over Their Storage?

    YES OF COURSE!!! Well, sort-a. My old school method was mild clipping cleanup and Plano 3701s with squads/Half squads mixed and vehicles mostly by type, you know ALL the PzIVs coexisting... Honestly doing so (clip/sort) and ASL in general helped save my life: I went on a loooooong hiatus...
  19. Blaze


    Unless they were masters of dishonesty and totally hid that from you. 😆
  20. Blaze

    ASL commitment

    YES! The eASLRB is the best invention for humanity since Velcro! I never break out my binder rules at all. I had the Pocket RB and hardly used it. So, I gave it to one of the local guys I play with. I'm licking my chops waiting for the eHASL to come out. I can also say I use the pocket Charts...