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  1. C

    Second Manassas AAR

    It seems you guys have had a good time with this baby. I soloed it once, and got a way into it before realising that using Pope's historical orders was really hurting the Union (why I was surprised by this is anyone's guess - I suppose I just didn't think through the implications), and I quit...
  2. C

    Scenario Club - November

    From memory of the ftf playing I had in September, they linked up. Didn't have an ounce of impact on the play, though... I'm looking forward to hearing of the playing. Who has which side?
  3. C

    Scenario Club - November

    OK, guys. It's been about 3 weeks, and ... Anyone played it? Unfortunately, I've been cramped for time just keeping up on VASL, but here's a thought. I think the Soviets are best off attacking from the railway line area, unless there's some obvious reason not to because of the German...
  4. C

    Best J5 scenario?

    Having won this as the Brit, I would say that a German left hook through the grain might give better odds of victory than a main effort up front. However, that risks leaving insufficient time to break through and grab everything. Some success depends on the initial rocket FFE. If this can...
  5. C

    A4.63 Dash and Smoke Placement

    Methinks you will find the answer in the ASOP, if you can struggle through the list of possible MPh actions. Dash is declared before smoke grenades can be placed (which occurs within the unit's MPh and therefore counts as movement).
  6. C

    A14.2 [EXC] and A14.31

    It's a good thing that Ole's around to correct my errors (within a minute, too!) Another new thing learnt this week, and a damn sight easier to deal with than the weird dense jungle/indirect fire ruling... :)
  7. C

    2 Questions....

    I don't know of an all-encompassing help file. There are certainly posts and such scattered around that cover parts of VASL. To grab parts of a stack: 'Expand' the stack by double-clicking so that you can see all elements of it. Use shift-click to pick multiple elements. Note that it's...
  8. C

    A14.2 [EXC] and A14.31

    No eRB handy, so I can't look things up to support this, but I've always played it that the sniper counter must be rolled for as well if it's not selected by the player. I believe it's an eligible target and therefore may be chosen by random selection. I think where A14.31 uses the term...
  9. C

    Getting "diced"

    Couldn't agree more. Timing is everything. I have a nifty ability to break my tanks' MGs, but keep intensive firing those MAs without any problems.
  10. C

    Getting "diced"

    I confess to dicing Serge Lemay in our current Warfare HQ PTO tourney game (One Log Bridge). I have a squad with 2 lt mtrs hitting the treeline across the stream. In my last 3 fire phases, they've got 3 CHs (1 per fire phase) on the same hex. Not bad for weapons with ROF 1. Two of those CHs were...
  11. C

    For King and Country vs West of Alamein

    You're going to be missing the desert rules (Chapter F). That prevents the following at the very least: [CoB]: Play of the 'desert' Mongolian Sov v IJA scenarios. [GH]: Play of beach landings (sand rules). [PB]: Can't think of anywhere that Chapter F comes into for PB. [ABtF]: Bridge...
  12. C

    G2 (Jungle) and H (Japanese lt mtr)

    > A Japanese light mortar ('knee mortar') fires HE at a dense jungle hex at a > range of 2 hexes. Chapter H indicates 'Air Bursts are NA' at this range. > Could you indicate whether we are treating this correctly: > > A critical hit is achieved. Should we apply the inverted -2 Direct Fire...
  13. C

    Knee mortars & CHs

    I'm not going to deny that. I think it was an 'error' in the original Chap H notes - just some wording that appears slack in this modern age of ASL rules interpretation. Got the response from Perry. I've put it in the Perry Sez folder, but a summarisation is this: CH applies a -2 TEM...
  14. C

    Knee mortars & CHs

    Hmm. More complex than I'd thought. I've submitted a Q&A to Perry - anyone care to place bets on the outcome?
  15. C

    Anything besides ASL?

    ASL still the most played for me. Also play Gamers stuff, principally CWB/RSS. I'd love to get into OCS one day. GBoH features now and then. My main ftf opponent enjoys the card-driven games (I get to try PoG for the first time on Thursday), so they come out every now and then. Looking at...
  16. C

    Knee mortars & CHs

    Probably an easy question, but what appears (to me, anyway) to be the correct answer feels a little odd. Wanted to see if folks have covered this themselves. Knee mortar firing HE at 2 hex range dense jungle. Ordnance notes deny it any airburst TEM. Critical Hit therefore gets a -2 TEM? It...
  17. C

    "Bushmasters" question

    So long that I got it all round the wrong way! Sorry. Devon, eh? Long way from my neck of the woods, unfortunately. I don't know of any forums dedicated to the UK ASL scene; most UK ASLers have little or no online presence that I know of.
  18. C

    "Bushmasters" question

    Can't remember for certain. I think that a savvy US player can trigger the banzai charge when his units are in the perfect position to maximise firepower on them. That's my dim memory of an ASLML discussion, anyway. BTW, what part of the UK?
  19. C

    Battlefield Visits

    Pretty much done the usual sites: Normandy, Arnhem, the Ardennes. The Goch-Kalkar road. Also the spot in Prague where they got Heydrich, and the church where they held out. Anzio. Aachen (I'm doing them all alphabetically, it seems) A lot of the WWI locations as well. I could argue that I grew...
  20. C

    Who Publishes the Most Balanced Scenarios?

    SDev only useful if data are normally distributed. This set of data certainly isn't. :(