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  1. C

    New members introduce yourself here

    Thank you! It's nice to be back
  2. C

    New members introduce yourself here

    Thanks for the heads up, I shot Mr Dethlefsen a message about a couple of his items.
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    New members introduce yourself here

    I am returning from a long ASL hiatus where I sold my entire collection thinking I'd never want to play ASL again. Now I am looking forward to starting my collection again, organizing counters, etc. Oh, and playing again too!!!
  4. C

    Ragged Bloody Heroes perimeter question

    Hello I'm thinking of starting up the RBH CG and the SSR for the Australian Strategic Locations puzzles me. Has anyone played this and if so, can you give me some idea of how the Aussies can ever make any gains, since their lines can only be drawn between their entry hexes and any Command...
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    Fun vs. Balance vs. Historical Accuracy

    See, I love that kind of thing... every teensy little break you get tastes like victory!
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    Fun vs. Balance vs. Historical Accuracy

    Well, obviously fun is the prime reason to play the game... so I would think that is a given. The problem is that we all have different ideas of what is fun. I like command control issues and don't worry at all about play balance, and others feel just the opposite. The nice thing is that ASL...
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    Fun vs. Balance vs. Historical Accuracy

    I go for historical accuracy first, but since I think that historical accuracy is fun, I'm kind of killing two birds with one stone. Using the command & control rules from SASL eliminates a lot of the "unrealistic" omniscience that the players have. I've used a command & control system using...
  8. C

    Which direction for publishers

    I know that The Game Castle in Fullerton, CA does not carry anything by MMP because they are owned by the same guy who is the distributor for the area and he doesn't make enough profit from MMP (at least that is what the employee I asked about it said). I was going up to All-Star Games in...
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    Which direction for publishers

    I'd like to see ASL stretch beyond the boundaries of WW2. We've seen some really interesting stuff from CH (Guerra Civil, Genesis 48 ), but it would be cool to see some "official" stuff on non-WW2 topics. I think the ASL engine can comfortably simulate almost any 20th Century combat, though I...
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    OVHS - Smoke is crucial-why no SSR?

    I always wondered why smoke wouldn't work in muddy conditions...but I suppose that would be a "reality" argument :shock: <clutching pearls>
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    questions/comments about artillery

    That does seem like an elegant and simple way to solve one of the biggest problems with OBA.
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    Beyond Valor 1st & 2nd Ed: What to do with duplicates

    Keep it all and DYO battalion sized scenarios!
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    ASL Forums a good idea?

    Chris Milne wrote: "How about providing a no holds barred forum? Make it clear that anything goes there and let people have their random heated discussions about the third dice, copyrights, TPPs, etc. Move 'offensive' posts from the other fora to it, and let battle commence between those that...
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    Finally, welcome to the year 2000 of message boarding...

    Oh no!!! It took "many, many minutes" to read everything? And is thus pronounced "stupid". I'm not sure I understand...are you saying that it takes no time to read the ASLML????? And exactly what "heat" is it that we can't take? I suppose making sense would require that you do more than...
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    If anybody needs a place to host their avatar pic I'd be happy to do it for them. Email me the pic you want to use (I can even resize it if needed) and I'll send you the url that I post it at (I have a page just for my avatars on my website).
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    House Rules and Variants; Do you have any?

    Steve I like those two rules you posted. The one for using aircraft in the Prep Fire phase in particular is interesting...I'm going to have to give that one a try in my next game that has planes. Those are the sorts of things I was hoping that people would post. Just to see what creative...
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    ASL Forums Domain Name Contest

    I wouldn't click on that "" while at seems that it is already taken... :shock:
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    House Rules and Variants; Do you have any?

    The last post was me again, forgetting to log in....
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    House Rules and Variants; Do you have any?

    I'm gonna try bringing this up on this new forum and see if I can avoid getting flamed by the anti-variantizm, anti-realizm guys that usually hammer these ideas on the ASLML. I thought this might be a good place to share house rules and variant rules that different players use in their games...
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    questions/comments about artillery

    I agree with you, but since it seems that many players eschew OBA as being "too difficult to learn", a more realistic approach would likely never get used at all. This might be a good topic for a detailed set of house rules.