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  1. Tim Niesen

    Are American Paratroopers Elite?

    Steve and I finished a very old ASL scenario Le Mission. I won the scenario despite the German 2.5 squads being heavily outnumbered! But more by my superior dice rolling rather than my ASL skills.For the purposes of HOB are American 747 Elite? I had asked a similiar question concerning American...
  2. Tim Niesen

    PF/BAZ against Target not in a Fortification or Building?

    Do hand held SW like PF/BAZ/PIAT use full firepower or area fire (half) against MMC or SMC who are not in a building or fortification (foxhole or trench) Ie.,in a woods hex or the open ground hex? What are the collateral effects upon riders of a vehicle if that AFV or halftrack is the primary...
  3. Tim Niesen

    Ammo Shortage and Allied Troops.

    As far as the ammo question, I assume that this is captured Italian ammo from Sicily or North Africa. The key to the resistance by the seven Italian divisions in Rome...the Rome garrison would have been to supply them with at least small arms ammo. The supplies planned to be landed up the Tiber...
  4. Tim Niesen

    Ammo Shortage and Allied Troops.

    Well, the nun was a historical figure. She existed. She rallied the Italian civilians in the battle. I plan if she appears, and she cannnot be everywhere, is for her to increase the morale of those around her. She will not make those around her shoot better like a minus leader. Maybe she has a...
  5. Tim Niesen

    Ammo Shortage and Allied Troops.

    Oops, "increased civilian participation" The Italian ASL guru who I corresponded with about ten to twelve years ago stated that this likely would have been the main effect of the paratrooper drop. He also told me that there was a heroic Italian nun who rallied the population against the usurping...
  6. Tim Niesen

    Ammo Shortage and Allied Troops.

    Robin, This scenario is simply adding the planned drop of 1/3 of the 82nd Division to the existing scenario, and adding increased participation as a conseqence. The recent monograph by a writer named Conner mentioned supplies being landed up the Tiber River. We assume that these were to be...
  7. Tim Niesen

    Ammo Shortage and Allied Troops.

    The rules for ammo vehicles (E10) would seem to have little application for our issue with the replishment of small arms shortage.. It seems that trucks bringing in small arms and ammo for both civilians and regular elite Italian MMC would seem a logical SSR. I considered special ammo for...
  8. Tim Niesen

    Ammo Cache Counters.

    Okay. Will look there. Thanks. Never saw the coute used in a scenario.
  9. Tim Niesen

    Ammo Cache Counters.

    Okay. But can it be transported in a truck?
  10. Tim Niesen

    Ammo Cache Counters.

    I noticed while breaking apart my new counter mix that there are four ammo cache counters included. I had never noticed them before. Do these represent stationary storage of ammo only? In a scenario design I am considering ammo being brought to the front by trucks. Can this counter represent...
  11. Tim Niesen

    StME 5-3-7 Sturm troops

    I had a discussion of the issue of the new 537 with Don 1, who assured me that the German Army in basic training taught all recruits all aspects of FTs. He asserted that the issue was that they did not trust the regular army to use the weapon. They they were concerned about the weapon being more...
  12. Tim Niesen

    Ammo Shortage and Allied Troops.

    Because of the information about the ammo (the article does not say what Ammo, but it seems likely that the Ammo was captured Italian stocks from Sicily or North Africa.) Therefore, I am thinking of allowing the six Italian trucks, carrying the two reinforcement groups, one Italian 347s and the...
  13. Tim Niesen

    StME 5-3-7 Sturm troops

    Robin, Good point. Tim
  14. Tim Niesen

    Ammo Shortage and Allied Troops.

    I noticed a recently printed article published in 2022, by a man named Conner, who concludes that the cancelation of the proposed drop of the 82nd into Rome saved the unit from certain destruction. The article notes that supplies were to be sent by sea up the Tiber River. Tim
  15. Tim Niesen

    StME 5-3-7 Sturm troops

    Okay. Seems logical.
  16. Tim Niesen

    StME 5-3-7 Sturm troops

    Thanks, folks. Now I think of 43 as the middle of the war. I suppose that these units were far more common in 1944 and 1945. I assume that after this unit ELRs (if that is a verb?), the resultant 436 unit can no longer use the FT in its possession? It would be interesting if the result 436 unit...
  17. Tim Niesen

    StME 5-3-7 Sturm troops

    Okay, Time is relative. I usually think of late 1944 as late in WW2, but certainly June 1944 is relatively late. Klas explained the timing of the introduction of these units well. In the new paratrooper module, which German division do they represent? Tim
  18. Tim Niesen

    StME 5-3-7 Sturm troops

    I was thinking that the 537 were very late war units, but these are representing units in June of 1944. These do not represent the conscripts of VG divisions, those are realistically represented by the standard 436s. What units do they represent in this historical module? Regular German Army...
  19. Tim Niesen

    StME 5-3-7 Sturm troops

    Klas, this historical module looks very interesting. Although the Paratrooper module was included in my last purchase, I have yet to find the boards. The scenarios are all there. I never owned that module; therefore, we never played those original paratrooper modules when the game came out in...
  20. Tim Niesen

    StME 5-3-7 Sturm troops

    Thanks Klas, I will go to MMP website, although after my recent purchase of 11 used modules, my wallet is empty. All of my missing counters have now been replaced. My lost second edition rulebook has been replaced by a first edition one. Steve has the second edition; therefore, that solves that...