Search results

  1. johnl

    VASL-6.7.0-beta3 is released

    I don't know if this will help with the counter mages or not but I asked this question on Google can ai be used to convert a bitmap to vector Yes, artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to convert a bitmap to a vector image. AI-powered vectorizers can analyze images, identify shapes, and...
  2. johnl

    ASL Scenario Archive request

    It's working here in the US of A (SoCal)
  3. johnl

    Lock your roooms

    Jim, thanks for this suggestion. I hadn't considered this.
  4. johnl

    Jungle-Road hex and G.4

    Thank you Klas. In this case, ASL64 Hazardous Occupation, the Muslims will be jumping from hiding on the unsuspecting Japanese columns on the road.
  5. johnl

    Jungle-Road hex and G.4

    Actually, I'm thinking about having a hidden unit in the panji location on a jungle-road. I would like it to stay hidden if an enemy is broken by the panjis. Also, in the more general case, does G.4 apply to a hidden unit on a jungle-road?
  6. johnl

    Jungle-Road hex and G.4

    Is a jungle-road hex considered jungle for purposes of G.4. In other words, can a panji set up in a jungle-road hex stay hidden until it is entered or must it reveal due to LOS?
  7. johnl

    True life story

    Possibilities: Lightning creates a significant magnetic field Meteor. A quick Google search reveals nothing about meteor (not mereorite) magnetic fields but to make a TV go woozy I assume it would have to be big enough to go "boom" Aliens. Did you notice any sudden changes in personality of any...
  8. johnl

    HIP vs Die Rolls

  9. johnl

    Happy New Year!!

    Happy New Year to all. Resolutions: organize ASL stuff: punch, clip, sort, etc play more ASL hmmm - those might be mutually exclusive :unsure::)
  10. johnl

    A17.2 Can a Prisoner Carry a Wounded Leader

    No, a captured (i.e., prisoner) MMC is not in Good Order (see Index)
  11. johnl

    Today in ASL I ... (Day to day ASL doings)

    If you're truly desperate you can open the hatch and toss some smoke grenades out, or use a Smoke Dispenser, before you spend the start MP. The smoke is placed before the shot vs the start MP.
  12. johnl

    Season's Greetings

    Hear! Hear! happy holidays to all!
  13. johnl

    Orchard hexes on board 75

    Trust but verify
  14. johnl

    194th IR 71 ID HSASL Campaign - May 40 - May 45

    I think the only way you can damage the tanks is in CC if you can sneak up on them. ATR doesn't have enough fp to immobilize (basic TK=5 lowest AF=6). Best strategy is to avoid them. Stay out of sight and if that's not possible then stay concealed.
  15. johnl

    A17.2 Wounded Leader Prisoner Carried by Guard

    No, the SMC must be Good Order (A17.2); but prisoners move at the foot rate of their Guard (A20,53). ....Perry MMP
  16. johnl

    ASL errata and Q&A

    Scott, thanks for your efforts on this. Having a single searchable source for Q&As is a real boon for us lazy types.
  17. johnl

    WIDE CITY BOULEVARDS and Shell holes

    Whether or not the hex is open ground is dependent on whether you are "using the shellholes. I don't think wide city boulevards make any difference. See B2.4.
  18. johnl

    LoS issue

    Shows clear on my setup with Light Jungle. VASSAL 3.7.15 VASL 6.6.9 Board 36 version 6.9 Windows11 Dense Jungle give something else entirely
  19. johnl

    VASL Map Online Problem/Suggestion Form

    I fired up 6.6.4 and see the same issue. You need to either move the non-hidden counter out or select it and hit the down arrow to move it to the layer underneath the hidden guy. Then you can select the hidden counter.
  20. johnl

    Correct Rout Analysis?

    It is on my setup