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  1. Steed

    Schwerpunkt Volume #24 Will be Released 10/8/24 at ASLOK

    Did someone say free French fries? Where?????????????
  2. Steed

    Season's Greetings

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. "I wish you a hopeful Christmas I wish you a brave new year All anguish, pain and sadness Leave your heart and let your road be clear" Greg Lake, I believe in Father Christmas.
  3. Steed

    Season's Greetings

  4. Steed

    ASL isn't the only niche hobby with an annual event

    How about a rink instead.
  5. Steed

    ASL license plates

  6. Steed

    Ok that's twice

    Well, they say the third time's the charm....
  7. Steed

    Bitterest Day (AKA Sugar Loaf Hill) Preorder

    Ordered last night. Thanks for keeping the preorder price in effect as long as you did.
  8. Steed


    "Looking at the cake is like looking at the future, until you've tasted it what do you really know? And then, of course, it's too late. " - Merlin
  9. Steed

    Raaco Inserts

    Or you could just go to a service that does it instead..........
  10. Steed

    Yer #2 game (assumes you have one)

    A Most Fearful Sacrifice, battle of Gettysburg.
  11. Steed

    OL 666

    I believe it's Lucky 666: The Impossible Mission That Changed the War in the Pacific - Bob Drury
  12. Steed

    Can MMP get NOTHING right?

    Don't forget the gravy!
  13. Steed

    Upstairs behind Bocage - can you see through?

    Do you have a catcher?
  14. Steed

    Upstairs behind Bocage - can you see through?

    I don't know.
  15. Steed

    Do you play any ACW games?

    We just started playing A Most Fearful Sacrifice. Overall I like it so far (Have only played the first 2 scenarios). It can be a little confusing at first ( or it could be I have been playing the Blind Swords system, currently Thunder at Dawn, for a while now and that is causing the confusion...
  16. Steed

    What ASL Product Have You Bought Recently?

    It hurts when I do that........
  17. Steed

    HASL SASL Missions

  18. Steed

    MMP Journal 14 - Pre-Order is UP!

    No, my mistake. I wrote that while eating lunch and dealing with questions/problems from other co-workers. Lost my train of thought in the process.