Search results

  1. M

    Need game

    I"m up for a game of CMBB. Please email paramaters to me at I've not played for a while... I need to knock the rust off :-) Regards, Scott
  2. M

    Always looking for a game

    Hi Everyone, I'm always looking for games to play, so please email me if your interested. I don't care if they are rated or not. Unless you ER Chaser, then I he owes me a few rated game :p Please email me at Let me know what parameters you propose so I can...
  3. M

    Looking for a CM Opponent

    Good Morning! I'm up for a few games. Do you want to play rated or non-rated games? I'm pretty open to various types as well. Do you prefer A/D or ME? Email me at to get faster replies. This is me primary email I check several times a day. Happy New...
  4. M

    Official Vanilla 45 Tournament Thread. All Info and Posts located here.

    Just to substantiate CMants comments about Waleed... here is an interesting site that tells a bit about Waleed... There was more about him than I realized! Waleed is famous!:laugh:
  5. M

    Official Vanilla 45 Tournament Thread. All Info and Posts located here.

    JDSU and I just fiished our 2nd game. I was able to pull off a minor victory some how.:shock: Please let me know what to do next.
  6. M

    Official Vanilla 45 Tournament Thread. All Info and Posts located here.

    1 down and 1 to go with my games against JDSU. I was fortunate enough to get a Minor win as the Allies... The Axis I may not be as lucky :OHNO:
  7. M

    Official Vanilla 45 Tournament Thread. All Info and Posts located here.

    JDSU & I are in the middle of both games... I think turn 14 of 28. Still too early to tell who has the upper hand!
  8. M

    CMAK Opp avail anytime!

    I'm your huckleberry... Let me know what your interested in :)
  9. M

    Official Vanilla 45 Tournament Thread. All Info and Posts located here.

    JDSU and I are progressing rather slowly. I've not recieved a file from him since Monday. :upset: I'm looking forward to getting back to the action! :D
  10. M

    Withdrawls setting in...

    Hey Gents,:salute: Someone(s) pony up, I need my fix! :nuts: I'm looking for some mirrored games with the following parameters: CMAK or CMBB Southern/Western Europe 2000 points or less ME Unrestricted If you have any ideas that meet these paramaters let me know (Rated...
  11. M

    Vanilla 45 Draw and your route to the Final.

    Thanks General for the update. CMant, I would think that is OK... All should be the same.
  12. M

    Vanilla 45 Draw and your route to the Final.

    Waleed. When do we get map's? I thought is was coming yesterday? Thanks!
  13. M

    Vanilla 45 Draw and your route to the Final.

    I'm ready to rumble... :salute:
  14. M

    Vanilla 45 Tourney BB or AK.

    :salute:OK... Let's rumble... I'm pumped!:rifle: When are going to see files? Just point me in a direction:horse:! :salute:
  15. M

    Vanilla 45 Tourney BB or AK.

    When is the offical "kick-off" date for the tourney? Thanks!
  16. M

    Formal request to the moderator ;-)

    Correction on the email address: or
  17. M

    Formal request to the moderator ;-)

    Numbers,:salute: Contraire my friend. I've played my share of desert games. The thing I have found with desert games is it doesn't take as much skill, you find your self relying more on your equipment than tactic. However, I will give you a go in the desert!:ar15: 3000 pt mirrored game...
  18. M

    Formal request to the moderator ;-)

    Hi numbers,:salute: Wow... That is the complete opposite of what I was thinking! :shock: I hate desert games, and prefer not to play the large 5000 point games because of time. The time frame is no issue. How about 3000, southern italy? I'd like to request rural, a with moderate trees...
  19. M

    Formal request to the moderator ;-)

    Hi Numbers,:salute: I've been on the board now for a few years and I've never had a game with the moderator!:cry: Are you up for game? Let me know what you lwould ike to do. We can play on a agreed upon map if you wish. If you prefer mirrored then that is OK to. Your choice CMBB OR...
  20. M

    Perimeter Tournament Screen Shots & Discussion

    Hello Michael, :salute: It appears I (Mt Carmel Hill) was not a part of your summary...:whist: