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  1. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

  2. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

  3. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

  4. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

    When your looking for a demo and find a great song/voice...
  5. Red2112

    War on the Sea

  6. Red2112

    War on the Sea

    War on the Sea by KillerFish games (same devs as Cold Waters and Atlantic Fleet) has been released today on Steam... Mike
  7. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

    A fit title for a crappy year although a great song! By-Tor and La Villa strangiato. Stay safe and good care all... Red
  8. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

    The genius of John Zorn and his work...
  9. Red2112

    PoA2.5 and TU updates (2017)

    Got a mail today from HPS support with the latest public (none Beta) installers which is good news, at least for me as I want to get back into both games, and overall I think they are great (one of a kind) when they work. Latest installers are; Point of Attack v2.5.11.0, and Tigers Unleashed...
  10. Red2112

    PoA2.5 and TU updates (2017)

    It seems TU and TSS has been updated this last August (2020). I haved tried to reach support but no reply so far. Basically because with all the back and fourth of beta test builds with Scott in the past, at present I really don´t know which is stable or not, and in what order everything...
  11. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

  12. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

    RIP Pete Way... Red
  13. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

  14. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

  15. Red2112

    ATF and AATF scenario depot

    Is there any way to get the user created scenarios for ATF and AATF? Shrapnel forum seems dead, and while I was able to get access to the forum, I can´t post anything (no permision), which is the first place I would ask. Support dosen´t reply either. WarfareHQ dose not exsist anymore so I...
  16. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

  17. Red2112

    ATF with BGC engine?

    Nevermind, I figured it out... Red
  18. Red2112

    ATF with BGC engine?

    Can someone please explain how to use the BGC: Episode One game engine with ATF? According to the BGC:E1 product page, BGC is compatible with ATF but either I mis-understand how that works, or I just don´t know how to do it. Thanks, Red
  19. Red2112

    Music: what are you Listening to now?

    R.I.P. Mr. Paul "Tonka" Chapman... Red
  20. Red2112

    Dr. James Sterrett

    From a recent post on PAXsims... Some might already know Dr. Sterrett from other articles. Red