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  1. Phlegm

    THE VASL Board Dinant Feedback Thread

    I just play them as they're printed. Carl, is there a current map release with the final art.
  2. Phlegm

    NNJ/NY ASL Club meeting 24 August, 2019

    Next meeting pencil it in.
  3. Phlegm

    NNJ/NY ASL Club meeting 24 August, 2019

    Look for opponents here or in the Facebook group.
  4. Phlegm

    NNJ/NY ASL Club meeting 24 August, 2019

    It’s April and that means the NNJ/NY ASL CLUB is having another meeting!
  5. Phlegm

    NNJ/NY ASL Club meeting 24 August, 2019

    Joe , looking forward to seeing you. It's the same location where Mountain Wars was held. You can find an opponent online . It's game till you stop.
  6. Phlegm

    Today in ASL I ... (Day to day ASL doings)

    Pics Bruce! Have a good weekend!
  7. Phlegm

    NNJ/NY ASL Club meeting 24 August, 2019

    Just a quick reminder that the 29t of December will have more ASL goodness at the 2nd meeting of the NNJ/NY ASL CLUB.
  8. Phlegm

    NNJ/NY ASL Club meeting 24 August, 2019

    Gents, Just a quick post to remind those with failing memories that on 12/29/2018 The NNJ/NY ASL CLUB will be meeting at 76 Waywanda Rd. in the Barry Lakes section of Vernon, NJ Starts early ends late. You can use this page or the NNJ/NY ASL CLUB’S Facebook group’s page to find an opponent and...
  9. Phlegm

    Who is the greatest ASL player of all time?

    A tart in a pond is no way to determine who the greatest ASL player is. MG’s at 5 paces is the way to go.
  10. Phlegm

    Today in ASL I ... (Day to day ASL doings)

    Thanks Jackson
  11. Phlegm

    ASLOK releases 2018

    Still in Ohio?
  12. Phlegm

    NNJ/NY ASL Club meeting 24 August, 2019

    Joe, yup it’s the same place MOUNTAIN WARS used to be held at. I’ll put you in to the Facebook group. For the first meeting i’m Just shooting for folks to play some ASL.. if they want to play something big you’ll have 15 hours or so. If you want to fit 5 scenarios in its your choice. I have...
  13. Phlegm

    NNJ/NY ASL Club meeting 24 August, 2019

    Sorry for the double pics. Any questions drop me a line at this thread.
  14. Phlegm

    "Visit" to North West France

    If you ever swing through Dinant. . .
  15. Phlegm

    Darrell Wright

    R.I.P Darrell A good man and a class act. Condolences to his family.
  16. Phlegm

    Today in ASL I ... (Day to day ASL doings)

    Picture or it didn’t happen.! I’d love to see the map now.
  17. Phlegm

    Japanese Scenario Recommendation

    Maggot Hill American Tragedy Bloody Red Beach