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  1. pensatl1962

    MMP Roundtable 7 notes - February 2025

    I'd be fine with the products being metered out just a bit. Don't want to drink from the firehouse, so to speak.
  2. pensatl1962

    MMP Roundtable 7 notes - February 2025

    Wow, that's 9 HASLs on deck by the end of '26 and at least another 1 or 2 in the hole beyond that. Just from MMP.
  3. pensatl1962

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    A couple years ago, an ASL friend recommended the movie April 9th (or "9.April" ) which sounds exactly like the engagement in this scenario. Good movie.
  4. pensatl1962

    Advanced Squad Leader Hall of Fame

    Brian, careful! Don't go to the light! 😂
  5. pensatl1962

    ASL Pocket Editions now available at MMP Website

    Sure, what a great idea. :rolleyes:
  6. pensatl1962

    ASL Pocket Editions now available at MMP Website

    I'm sorry if my sarcasm about the bespoke rulebook wasn't apparent. :) Of course, I don't advocate for this approach (nor do I suspect did Gordon in his post). I know there are logistical costs and difficulties for anything that isn't a "one book for everyone". So here is my serious...
  7. pensatl1962

    ASL Pocket Editions now available at MMP Website

    I kinda like it. The BASLRB Bespoke ASL Rulebook.
  8. pensatl1962

    ASL Pocket Editions now available at MMP Website

    I wouldike to see MMP make two versions of the pocket ASLRB available:. One with Chapter K and one without. OR just one version with no chapter K but with an option for new players to purchase a standalone Chapter K. I agree with those who don't like to tote around the extra pages.
  9. pensatl1962

    Spec Op's Lysyanka Mini HASL thoughts?

    Last week was beautiful, though! Winter escape from Pittsburgh to at least see some sun.
  10. pensatl1962

    When is enough ASL enough for you?

    We’ve old enough to remember this:… …to counter bloat ! And we know how well that worked out.
  11. pensatl1962

    Spec Op's Lysyanka Mini HASL thoughts?

    It’s the residual FOMO I still have. Don’t want to miss out on the next Cold Crocs, etc. or BRT, which I did pass on. Otherwise I could have sold it on eBay and retired to Palm Springs.
  12. pensatl1962

    Spec Op's Lysyanka Mini HASL thoughts?

    Yes, those also! I combined first motorcycle (and it was not cheap) at 54 with the midlife crisis. Divorce followed a few years anyway. A trifecta.
  13. pensatl1962

    Spec Op's Lysyanka Mini HASL thoughts?

    Now I’m really depressed - maybe 4 or 5. lol. I guess it’s still cheaper than golf or skiing.
  14. pensatl1962

    Looking for the Hive Mind collective consensus

    I entirely agree with Michael - life is too short. I spent two entire careers worried about my fitness reports, evaluations and ratings. I’m retired now and the last thing I would want is to be ranked on how good I am at my hobby.
  15. pensatl1962

    Estimate of pre-order for Ponyri?

    I had no rooting interest (Steelers fan) but was hoping for at least a competitive game. I do have to admit that I’m totally sick of the State Farm Chiefs and this guy:
  16. pensatl1962

    Estimate of pre-order for Ponyri?

    In typical American fashion, we take what used to be a good sporting event and make it into the “most important thing in the world”. And in reality, the actual game sucked big time. 🤷‍♂️
  17. pensatl1962

    Spec Op's Lysyanka Mini HASL thoughts?

    Yep - for $15 you now can get the first 20 scenarios. I have those scenarios but I got them the hard way, for probably $300-$400. Lesson learned.
  18. pensatl1962

    Board 10z Hexes S3 and T2

    Agree and agree. At least for near term you’ll know for your tournament.
  19. pensatl1962

    VASL Scenario Setups?

    VASL setup skills are important to have and not difficult to learn. Once you are minimally proficient, you should easily be able to set up for a game in a fraction of the time needed for physical components/FTF. And as others have said, it can be enjoyable.
  20. pensatl1962

    Board 10z Hexes S3 and T2

    Chris, Is it possible to contact the scenario designers for the scenarios you are considering and ask what their intent was, from the design perspective?