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  1. M

    Exclusion Zones

    I've been away from this for a while too. Never noticed this. I suppose the designer would need to put the aircraft on static/garrison, to mobilise by the same event that removes the exclusion zones, if he wants to keep them inactive.
  2. M

    New scenario posted in download section - The Battle of Waterloo

    And don't forget that cavalry, unlike infantry which can provide supporting musketry fire from three hexes away, is only able to affect the hexes immediately adjacent.
  3. M

    New scenario posted in download section - The Battle of Waterloo

    Cheers, thanks for the very full review. You're right about cavalry, although if you do try to use them as pure battering rams, unsupported by infantry or artillery, they will wear out. The key thing I couldn't simulate in this was the infantry's ability to form square, greatly reducing the...
  4. M

    New scenario posted in download section - The Battle of Waterloo

    Nope, it really is tactical level so 2.5 km/hex, that wasn't quite right for half hour turns so Movement 150% to make it fit.
  5. M

    New scenario posted in download section - The Battle of Waterloo

    Another unusual one, a tactical version of the Battle of Waterloo, using the XIXth century modified database to allow for ranged artillery and musketry fire (just unzip the Battle of Waterloo 2 zip into your graphics folder, it won't affect your other scenarios). Twenty half hour turns, PO for...
  6. M

    Hungary - question to Mark S.

    Deliberate, as some Hungarian forces chose to fight on even after Belgrade fell (unlike, say the Belgians and Brussels). I know it would be possible to withdraw some units and not others following the occupation of Belgrade, but Hungary isn't a major power and a random all-or-nothing seemed...
  7. M

    Vichy issue

    I'm afraid that you've lost them for good. If you were both determined to go the full distance, do either of you have a saved game turn from prior to the withdrawal that you can replay, avoiding the Allies retaking Lyon? Although, frankly, if the Battle of France is still going on after six...
  8. M

    Vichy issue

    Lou took a look at this, but his password doesn't seem to work, so he asked me to pass it on.... ________________________________________________________________________________ If I could post this this I would. I believe we have traced the problem with Vichy withdrawal on the forum. --...
  9. M

    World War One - new scenario

    Cheers again, try the final version, although against a friend if you can.
  10. M

    World War One - new scenario

    Made a few more adjustments and posted this on the scenario download section. Any comments welcome. World War One in a single evening's play!
  11. M

    Hungary&Norway Question

    1. German units can't enter Hungary until the latter joins the Axis 2. You could try the historical German tactic of using the Fallschirmjaeger unit to drop on or next to Oslo - the Norwegian garrison is very weak (although a hearty assault by the Kriegsmarine, particularly supported by Stukas...
  12. M

    World War One - new scenario

    I'm listening - certainly the starting armies, and all of the garrisons, forts, navies and air units, if maybe not the reserves that mobilise during the game. Keep it coming.
  13. M

    World War One - new scenario

    Not yet posted on any sites, including this one, as I'd appreciate any comments from Forum regulars, having learned my lesson about rushing into these things. Playtested against Jason ('Raver') and vastly improved as a result, so should be bug-free and reasonably balanced. World War One in...
  14. M

    English Civil War 1642-6 scenario added to download section

    Cheers, the customary fiver's in the post but - being realistic - if you look at the statistics on the various sites, the WWII scenarios get hundreds, very occasionally thousands, of downloads. Still, you've given me the strength to carry on churning out obscure topics.
  15. M

    EA Heldenkaiser (Allies) vs. Telumar (Axis)

    Re: Axis Turn 165 / 23rd August 1942 This is a very polite forum: I only typed g-o-d-d-a-m-n and it *** it out. You should see what makes it onto some other sites!
  16. M

    EA Heldenkaiser (Allies) vs. Telumar (Axis)

    Re: Axis Turn 165 / 23rd August 1942 And I'm keen to see whether you can escape, as well as when those ******* Americans will enter the war.
  17. M

    English Civil War 1642-6 scenario added to download section

    Probably of very limited appeal, but a conflict that's always interested me. Army/corps level, one month turns, England, Scotland and Ireland in the seventeenth century, some theatre options and revolts, weather effects, etc, to make it interesting. PO for both sides, and it has been...
  18. M

    Ea 2012

    You'll never ever, ever get, in a scenario of this size, the right equipment for the right unit at the right time, if you're making a comparison with what happened historically. It simply isn't possible. The Germans started researching the Tigers and Panthers because their Pz IIIs and IVs...
  19. M

    EA Heldenkaiser (Allies) vs. Telumar (Axis)

    Re: Allied Turn 162 / 2nd August 1942 I ought to know, but is the 'pocket' still in supply from a major city?
  20. M

    OOB question - removing devided units

    Hi, you just have to remove the divided units, then replace them in one hex, recombine them, and you can carry on working. You do have to remember to redivide and reposition them when you've finished. Can be a long process if there are a lot of divided units, but that's the only way I know how...