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  1. Brien Martin

    ASL at Winter War 2019 ... the end of an era

    Understand, Jeff. The vendors missed you this year!! Also, there was a real wargame vendor from Indianapolis there ... the owners know Larry and his wife, so I chatted with them for a bit ... Hope you'll make next year's event, whoever is running it!! Brien
  2. Brien Martin

    ASL at Winter War Personal Game AAR

    Went 1-1 on the weekend, beating Tom Cvetinovich, losing to eventual champ Jim Taylor. I don't remember much about my match with Tom, other than I held him off with a solid defense and an unmerciful dicing (I rolled one 11, three 10s, and a whole shitload of 3s, 4s, and 5s ... using precision...
  3. Brien Martin

    ASL at Winter War 2019 ... the end of an era

    For 16 of the last 17 years, I have presided (though that is too imperious a term) over the ASL event at the Winter War Gaming Convention. We've braved ice storms the week before the event, brutally-cold temps outside, the year the event was held in a dinner-theater, three venue changes (this...
  4. Brien Martin

    ASL at Winter War 20 results

    Three intrepid souls made their way to Champaign for this year's event. The following are the results: ROUND 1 Brien Martin def. Tom Cvetinovich Jim Taylor def. Craig Walters ROUND 2 Jim Taylor def. Brien Martin Tom Cvetinovich def. Craig Walters ROUND 3 Jim Taylor def. Tom Cvetinovich Craig...
  5. Brien Martin

    Important news about ASL at Winter War 2018

    This came across my FB news feed just today, I'm working with the con committee on the actual logistics, which are still being worked on ... for now, this will give a heads-up on the likely new location. I have put forth our needs with the committee so that the best possible location for the...
  6. Brien Martin

    ASL at Winter War 2017 Results

    A fairly nice weekend greeted the ten attendees for the 19th edition of the ASL event at the Winter War Gaming Convention. Though it was the smallest group since the inaugural event in 1999, everyone seemed to be having a good time and, when it was over, Jim Taylor had, for the seventh time...
  7. Brien Martin

    ASL at Winter War Registration Now Open!

    Dave, There should be a radio button on the top of the page where you can register for the ASL weekend ... I'll contact the webmaster and let him know ... it could be a browser-compatibility issue ... Brien
  8. Brien Martin

    ASL at Winter War Registration Now Open! The link will take you to the page where you can register ... the pre-reg price hasn't changed in, like, forever ... $25 ... just click the ASL Weekend radio button to register!! Brien
  9. Brien Martin

    ASL at Winter War 2017

    Sorry to hear that, Doug, we'll catch you, I hope, in 2018! Brien
  10. Brien Martin

    ASL at Winter War Scenario List

    Agreed, which is why I have always depended on the experience of others to put together the list. Even when I played ASL exclusively, I was terrible at judging how long it might take to play a scenario. I once agreed to play a scenario with a handful of infantry and a bunch of tanks, thinking...
  11. Brien Martin

    ASL at Winter War Scenario List

    Once again, thanks to Scott Holst for putting this list together.
  12. Brien Martin

    ASL at Winter War 2017

    Good morning, everyone! And a Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating the holiday this coming week! A bit late in announcing this, but we're on again for the 2017 edition of ASL at Winter War ... here are the details: WHEN: January 27-29, 2017 WHERE: Hawthorn Suites Hotel, Champaign...
  13. Brien Martin

    What boardgames have you played recently?

    Last three non-ASL games were just this past weekend: Washington's War Gettysburg '88 La Bataille de Mocsowa (excellent game system by Clash of Arms) Brien
  14. Brien Martin

    The Mila 18 NoNsEnSe thread - Part 4

    Sigh ... It was fun while it lasted. Congrats to the Yankees, they were the better team in the Series. My wish for 2010? A Phillies three-peat as NL Champs ... and a re-match with the Yanks. Only thing better than winning the trophy back? Winning from the guys who took it from you ...
  15. Brien Martin

    The Mila 18 NoNsEnSe thread - Part 4

    Admittedly, there are a number of combinations you could make if you're Joe Girardi, but here's what I would have done: Start Chad Gaudin in Game Five. Why? Because, even if you believe that the Yanks felt they were a poorer team with no DH and Molina behind the plate, then why not take a...
  16. Brien Martin

    The Mila 18 NoNsEnSe thread - Part 4

    In the post-game presser, Joe Girardi had the "Virgil Solozzo Face" going ... you know, where Solozzo finds out that Don Corleone didn't die from his wounds: "He's still alive! They put five bullets in him, and he's still alive!" *That* face ... Brien
  17. Brien Martin

    The Mila 18 NoNsEnSe thread - Part 4

    So, what you're saying is that Psycho's nickname really should be "Seinfeld" ... 'cause he's a guy about NOTHING. Brien
  18. Brien Martin

    The Mila 18 NoNsEnSe thread - Part 4

    Even more incredble was the rhythm that Lee was in: rock and fire, get ball back, get sign, rock and fire ... rinse, lather, repeat. Probably the best pitching performance in the WS for the Phils since Steve Carlton in terms of dominance. And Rauuuuuuuuul (Werewolves of London) with that...
  19. Brien Martin

    What boardgames have you played recently?

    Race For The Galaxy ... really cool game with lots of decision-making (do I choose this action, knowing my rival will benefit from it? is it time to settle?) Like it a lot. Brien
  20. Brien Martin

    What boardgames have you played recently?

    On my table at present ... Field Commander: Rommel ... very nice solo system by Dan Verssen Games. Not his usual DTP ... it's a nice pre-printed game. Tough to beat the system on a regular basis (I'd say you'll never beat the system consistently enough for the game to become stale and...