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  1. wargamecop

    Spreading Blaze 2022 - Atlanta ASL Tourney

    Dang, last minute change... can't make it this weekend. Sorry.. maybe next year....
  2. wargamecop

    Spreading Blaze 2022 - Atlanta ASL Tourney

    I am planning on coming as of now... How do I register? Thanks.
  3. wargamecop

    ASLOK XXXV - Official TD AAR

    I really liked the one I played. Not One Step Back. Although JR and I think it is heavily Russian biased.
  4. wargamecop

    ASLOK XXXI - October 2nd thru 9th, 2016 - Cleveland, OH

    Have a roommate all set-up for Wed-Sun.... looking for a place to crash Monday and Tuesday night... I might just do an all nighter with Wild Bill on Tuesday... anyone have a floor or chair they don't mind sharing Monday night?
  5. wargamecop

    ASLOK XXXI - October 2nd thru 9th, 2016 - Cleveland, OH

    I am landing on Monday and flying out Sunday morning.... NEED A ROOMIE! I have not yet reserved a room. I'm even open to using a floor, I'll bring a sleeping bag. I'm an old infantry guy. I can split a room or pitch in some cash for a spot on the floor. I don't snore and will not use the room...
  6. wargamecop

    New members introduce yourself here

    Name: Joe Steadman Location: Evart Michigan Married w/ 5 kids Police officer Email: joesteadman AT Skype: wargamejoe Dabbled in ASL in the 90's then a little in 02-04. I am now back into full-bore and loving it as of July 09. I own most everything but the...