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  1. FourDeuceMF

    St Louis JULY 2024

    Are we still on for the last week in July for StL 2025? Just checking, as the ASL tourney at WBC may be set on the same weekend (though FWIW, I'll be headed to St. Louis either way with Travis...)
  2. FourDeuceMF

    Dispatch #58 transmitted

    Indeed...eagerly awaiting 59, for the finish of the Desert series. My son & I have currently set up 'Turning the Tables'...figured since I cut out all those damned sand/dune overlays, we may as well use them! ;-)
  3. FourDeuceMF

    Albany 2024 - DEC 5th to 8th

    Just musing, but typically, the 'problem' lies with 'vehicle' crews gaining control of buildings...infantry crews should still be able to. Your tourney, your rules, though. ;-)
  4. FourDeuceMF

    Do you play HASLs - or smaller scenarios?

    I quite enjoy playing scenarios on the HASL maps. Indeed, some of the RB and KGP scenarios are right gems.
  5. FourDeuceMF

    Weird Human Wave question

    The plural of "y'all" is "you'ns" least that's what the 1SG told us... 🤔
  6. FourDeuceMF

    Snapshot at an ADJACENT moving unit

    Careful, some self-appointed 'influencers' may frown on those tournament specific SSRs! 😜 For the record, that wall/hedge one is extra-cheezy. Even cheezier that it would have less DRM than firing on a unit behind that hedge (albeit at 1/2 FP, it still sux). It should be expunged.
  7. FourDeuceMF

    Grudge Rules as Tournament Rules

    In diversity, there is strength. For those who either 'don't care strongly' about the TD's rules, or those who have similar beefs with the ASLRB 'Raw', they may choose to attend that tournament, when they usually eschew the 'RAW' ASL experience. The TD is doing all the work to put on the...
  8. FourDeuceMF

    Grudge Rules as Tournament Rules

    The issue here isn't that the TD has put these rules's that YOU can't control him and make him do otherwise. That TD has put time, money (and time is also money), effort, etc. into organizing an event that he is offering to the rest of the ASL community to partake in. He is the host...
  9. FourDeuceMF

    Grudge Rules as Tournament Rules

    The unlimited APCR SSR (which was a scenario SSR, not a tournament SSR), is an actual situation-based rule. The 1st Battalion The Border Regiment (the unit depicted in The Brickworks scenario) shipped out to Arnhem (via Glider), supplied with few rounds of HE, and no 'traditional' AP rounds...
  10. FourDeuceMF

    Premature Capitulation or What the Heck are You Thinking?

    I'm of two minds here. Depending on the round of a tournament, I may graciously accept/offer the capitulation, if it's truly academic. But knowing when it's really academic is the challenge. Quite often, an ASLer will fail their PMC, instead of challenging themselves to get out of the dire...
  11. FourDeuceMF

    Doomed Battalions (4th Ed) Preorder from MMP

    Quite often it was "after tomorrow, insh'Allah..." ;-)
  12. FourDeuceMF

    Map LFT 1

    X, I sent you an email on this as well - did it come through? Thx
  13. FourDeuceMF

    Twilight of the Reich errata

    Let me know if that works...I may have some NW Germany/Korea map needs that he may wish to wallow around in... ;-)
  14. FourDeuceMF

    St Louis JULY 2024

    Just a quick heads-up...when going over one of the Scenarios in the Round 3 list - J245 Factory Fodder, I noticed that there's some outstanding errata that should be noted. In SSR 2, it requires the US to set up some units HIP within 4 of the stream...and if in suitable terrain, they can be...
  15. FourDeuceMF

    St Louis JULY 2024

    Likely an artwork oversight...the counters themselves are underlined range, so if you're not seeing an SSR to the contrary, I'd say that they've got it. Basically, all German squads (both SS and non-SS flavor) have spraying fire, to account for their inherent MG34/42 in the squad.
  16. FourDeuceMF

    St Louis JULY 2024

    Egads! Best wishes to Jim on the recovery! Hoping to be down there with Travis by Thursday night next week!
  17. FourDeuceMF

    St Louis JULY 2024

    I've been able to find all those scenarios on the list in my collection but these... FF10 Blackjack is Back! RPT200 Red Hot Hannibal FT81 Dubrovka CH44 Operation Nordwind SP51 Stryker's Charge Probably an indication as to my tastes in TPP, or just that I've scaled way back in the past decade...
  18. FourDeuceMF

    I have never tried…

    Resurrecting a 9-yr old comment here, but hey, just read it today. ;-) Dang, I'd say that ASL isn't the game for him...besides, I'm setting that up right now, and the US (Galahad) force is in the DEFENSE, and knows where all the Panjis he should be punished by losing his 667 for that...
  19. FourDeuceMF

    Scenarios on U Boat Infantry?

    FWIW. am in the process of 'updating' and adding to the ToT#2 scenarios (along with other KE material, that we turned over to MMP back in 2020), for eventual re-release, also taking into account the additional research since 1996, as well as the release of 'Theirs the Strife', not to mention the...
  20. FourDeuceMF

    Multiple Mortars with the Same Observer

    I typically use a half squad, and the other half squad wields the mortar...but in this particular case, a HS could not direct the fire of two mortars, as a HS can only use one SW...and each spotted mortar counts as a SW usage.