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  1. Zugführer

    Nijmegen Play Testers Wanted

    Please let's have a look at the map. I made a Nijmegen map with Hexdraw. Here is a link to the Hexdraw side with the map Nijmegen Map
  2. Zugführer

    A10.532 Interdictor

    No. It is not a misinterpretation. According to the Q&A it seems that at least one eligible unit MUST interdict any number of routing units and at least one eligible unit MUST interdict the same routing unit in more than one hex, because there is no choice for the interdictor, it is mandatory...
  3. Zugführer

    A10.532 Interdictor

    Today some Americans interdicted a routing German squad and 1+1 was rolled for the NMC. So, Heat of Battle occurs with generating a Hero and battle hardening the broken 4-6-7 to an unbroken 4-6-8. Suddenly a routing squad became a dangerous stack. So, I thought, it would have been better not to...
  4. Zugführer

    A10.532 Interdictor

    "One unit may Interdict any number of routing units and may Interdict the same routing unit in more than one hex." So, I assume, to interdict is not mandatory. Right?
  5. Zugführer

    HexDraw is Back

    I have created solo missions for my own solo rules using these maps. So, no regular scenarios go with them.
  6. Zugführer

    MP cost to change VCA in debris?

    ASL is a game of dice. ;)
  7. Zugführer

    HexDraw is Back

    ... the last one ... for now. ;) Vimy Ridge, France, 9 April 1917: 24th Battalion (Victoria Rifles of Canada) vs. 262. Reserve Infanterie-Regiment. The Canadians enter along the west edge with Infantry and Mk V Tanks.
  8. Zugführer

    HexDraw is Back

    Okay here is another one. Belleau Wood, France, 6 June 1918: 3/5 Marines (Darkhorse) vs. German 461. Regiment. The Marines are coming from A9-A12 and A12-K12 in three Human Waves across the wheat fields.
  9. Zugführer

    Defensive fire Baz.

    Then they should change the wording of the rules. For example: "Unlike Smoke, WP may be fired by ordnance during (but prior to any friendly unit firing anything other than SMOKE) any friendly fire phase—not just the PFPh/DFPh—although placement in other than the PFPh results in Dispersed WP."...
  10. Zugführer

    Defensive fire Baz.

    A BAZ is ordnance, because any weapon that must secure a hit on a To Hit Table before resolving the effect of that hit on either the IFT or To Kill Table is termed ordnance. Smoke may be placed by ordnance/OBA only at the start of the owner’s PFPh/DFPh. So, it cannot be placed in the enemy's...
  11. Zugführer

    Hero created after interdiction NMC

    My explanation is: During the RPh when the player rolls an original 2 in an MC of a broken unit and the unit rallies because of rolling < its morale value, then the player has to make the follow-up DR for HoB and must use the +1 DRM for a broken unit although the unit is rallied before. But an...
  12. Zugführer

    Hero created after interdiction NMC

    As I know there is no rule in ASL saying that a 1,1 in an MC rallies a unit because of rolling a 1,1. Only the follow-up DR for HoB that generates the Berserk or Battle Hardening status will rally the broken unit (in the case of Berserk) or exchanges the broken unit with an unbroken unit of...
  13. Zugführer

    Hero created after interdiction NMC

    No. When rolling a 1,1 HoB occurs and the broken MMC is not harmed by the interdiction. Then the player has to make a follow-up DR. On a 2, 3 or 4 a Hero will be created, but the broken MMC will not battle harden.
  14. Zugführer

    Hero created after interdiction NMC

    Why should a unit be rallied on a 1,1 result in a MC?
  15. Zugführer

    A10.51 Direction: How is Wire counted

    This "1 MF for Wire" is in addition to the MF costs for the terrain. Right? So, the MF costs for a Woods hex with Wire would be 3 MF for the determination of the nearest hex (in MF) a Broken unit has to rout towards. Right?
  16. Zugführer

    P.A./US Early War counters

    I have 4-4-7 2nd line squads too in my Raaco box.
  17. Zugführer

    P.A./US Early War counters

    Ah. Okay. Thanks. Would not be amiss. Instead of putting in the same leaders, heroes, etc. as in Yanks, they could have put in some P.A./US Early War leader, heroes, etc. in Rising Sun.
  18. Zugführer

    P.A./US Early War counters

    There are no P.A./US Early War counters for Leaders, Heroes, etc. (with soldiers with the M1917 helmets). You have to use the regular US counters (with soldiers with the M1 helmets). Right? Or do I missing them in my collection?:oops:
  19. Zugführer

    A10.51 Rout Direction

    Yes of course. A unit can use Low Crawl to enter a trench. Low Crawl can be used to enter any terrain (even Open Ground) (EXC: Marsh, Water, non-dry stream). To do that a unit does not have to use Low Crawl. It may enter a trench anyway to avoid Interdiction (see A10.51). But my question was...