Search results

  1. Blindgänger

    Cancelled: Brückenkopf 2023 - ASL Fest in May 2023 in Northwest Germany

    Since I am unable to find four (4) people willing to sign up and pay the fee ahead of time, I am going to cancel the whole thing. There will be NO Brückenkopf ASL Fest. I'm sorry for those who showed real interest in it but with four players only I would already have lost money. Now, things...
  2. Blindgänger

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    We finished ASL9 To the Square via PBEM. I played as the Germans. I had found some (what I think were) good spots for defense, but spread my guys a little bit too far apart from each other when taking those spots. My opponent came in with all his squads on one half of the map and that had most...
  3. Blindgänger

    Cancelled: Brückenkopf 2023 - ASL Fest in May 2023 in Northwest Germany

    Happy new year! From the start I said, that if four players sign up, I will host this. It will be small but good. Now you can sign up - send me a message here or to: At the end of February I need to have part of the money to pay the location. And that's when my...
  4. Blindgänger

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    We've played AP-37 Apples to Apples on friday night. I played as the Americans and I have no idea how to use Trucks. I've lost the game fast and brutal. By the end of turn 3 I had lost eleven out of my fifteen vehicles while I only did very little damage to my opponent. I missed so many shots by...
  5. Blindgänger

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    We played AP57 - Kleckerweise live via VASL on the weekend. I played the French. My plan was to run to the hill(s ;-) ) as fast as I can and only left a few squads behind to defend my buildings. My opponent placed his AT Guns HIP just a few hexes apart from each other and I drove all my tanks...
  6. Blindgänger

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    We finished CH33 - At the Point, I played the Russians. I spread my units a bit too far with the SSR given and paid for it. I changed one of my leaders into a Commissar and he was busy shooting his own guys - he didn't rally at least one guy during the whole guy. Lovely. Anyway I tried to catch...
  7. Blindgänger

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    We finished CH165 - Russian Riposte on Friday night, live via VASL. I played the Russians and split my troops in two groups. My opponent had a strong and a weaker side on the map (squad placement) and I did the same with my squads - my stronger side vs. his. I played a bit risky, not one step...
  8. Blindgänger

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    We finished SP23 Assault on the Hotel Continental per PBEM. I played as the British and won. I had a plan and divided my troops in two - one part on the eastern part of the map, the other on the western part, tanks coming in on the middle and see where they are used best. I lost a HS in turn 1...
  9. Blindgänger

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    We finished scenario 180 The T-Patchers live via VASL on Saturday night. I lost as the Americans. When I did my setup I saw that level 2 hill and thought - keep that in mind. Keep that in mind! I forgot about it twice and moved right into some nasty -2 shots. When I did my setup I thought...
  10. Blindgänger

    Cancelled: Brückenkopf 2023 - ASL Fest in May 2023 in Northwest Germany

    Thank you. I know it's still a lot of time until May but I thought it was better to start promoting it too early than too late.
  11. Blindgänger

    Cancelled: Brückenkopf 2023 - ASL Fest in May 2023 in Northwest Germany

    Here are more pictures of the location: Behind the canal in front of the location is a big lake. So far there are five full ASL players planing to come and two SK players. If you want to sign up for the newsletter/info mails I am going to send around every few weeks, please send me an...
  12. Blindgänger

    Cancelled: Brückenkopf 2023 - ASL Fest in May 2023 in Northwest Germany

    Bremen is about an hour away from me, once you are here and are interested in a live game feel free to contact me.
  13. Blindgänger

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    We finished scenario 77 Le Hérisson over the weekend, live via VASL. I played and won as the french as my opponent conceded in the MPh in his half of turn 7. It was a bloody game, I took out four squads in the first two rounds and he took out my 9-1 and a squad with the HMG with one of his tanks...
  14. Blindgänger

    Cancelled: Brückenkopf 2023 - ASL Fest in May 2023 in Northwest Germany

    Hello everybody, Cancelled. I'm going to run an Advanced Squad Leader Fest next year in Northwest Germany. I know it's still a lot of time until May but I better start promoting too early than too late. Brückenkopf is not a tournament, it's for open gaming. You decide which scenarios you...
  15. Blindgänger

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    The germans won. But if my CC roll would have been just one higher I would have lost.
  16. Blindgänger

    So what scenarios have you played Recently?

    We finished ASL 126 Commando Schenke live via VASL on Friday night. I played as the germans and made it to the fortified building 1X4 fast but it took me longer than I hoped to to get in. It didn't help that one of my FTs was out since early in the game. It was the first time I used it when I...
  17. Blindgänger

    Looking for an VASL pbem opponent

    That was fast! Opponents (!) found. Thank you guys.
  18. Blindgänger

    Looking for an VASL pbem opponent

    Hello everybody, I'm looking for an VASL pbem opponent. I can send one file per day usually, I might slow down during the weekends only. I play anything (scenarios) but would prefer to play without Tanks for a while - there is already a lot of new stuff for me. I played SK for a little bit...
  19. Blindgänger

    Hello from Germany

    Salut! Je parle un peu de français seulement!